What in the world are Hidden Whims? What say ye Poor William? If for some posthumous reason, Poor William would ever garner notoriety outside of his small circle of readers and detractors, he has often recorded late at night–usually with the Magical One in attendance–a bevy of funny stuff that Martha Jane (that would be […]
Watcha Gonna Do? Posted 4-7-11
Watcha Gonna Do? Posted 4-7-11 What’s going on in and around Clarksdale and/or Coahoma County…and beyond! With the advent of Spring comes lots of choices for things to do. As our weather improves, more folks are headin’ out of their homes and into the community. Check out some upcoming events below. ALSO, you will […]
Watcha Gonna Do? Posted 3-31-11
Watcha Gonna Do? Posted 3-31-11 Watcha Gonna Do in Clarksdale/Coahoma County this week?
Come Out To Play!
CLARKSDALE, Mississippi Inspired by the 1979 cult classic movie The Warriors, The Delta Bohemians, Magical Madge and Poor William, have created a 45-second radio spot for play on the West Coast. This radio spot will first be aired on
Dog and The Delta Bohemian
YOU CAN’T GET THIS S*@% IN NEW YORK CITY Dog and The Delta Bohemian Poor William was pulling out of someone’s driveway on West Second Street in Clarksdale last week when what to his wondering eyes should appear, but the sweetest Labrador retriever, who played a fine game of
Metro Rednecks
POOR WILLIAM’S WHIMS: Metro Rednecks By POOR WILLIAM Metro redneck is not necessarily an oxymoron—words that don’t go together, but it might raise the ire of those with latent tendencies and or an aversion to anything not clothed in camouflage and smelling of cordite—gunpowder. According to one definition found in the Urban Dictionary, a […]
Moonburn, Socrates and Bird Nests
POOR WILLIAM’S WHIMS: Moonburn, Socrates and Bird Nests By POOR WILLIAM “Daddy, can you get Moonburn?” asked the five-year-old prince, Will Howell — the Younger, but not the Lesser. What a fantastic question. Have you never read, “from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise?” Now, how can a question […]
Delta Delusions: Captive
DELTA SHORTS Delta Delusions: Captive Why are they holding me captive? What the hell did I do to deserve this treatment? I am alone; I can’t see. What in the Sam Hill do these people think they are doing to me? Where in the hell am I? I am being held against my will. […]
Delta Bohemian’s MR. MARCH 2011
The Delta Bohemian’s MR. MARCH 2011 →VIDEO AND PHOTOS INCLUDED← Ding, Ding, school was out this past Monday for Clarksdale teacher and local artist Joey Young, who accompanied the following Delta Bohemians: Mr. Lil John McKee, also known as Fat Clyde to those who know him well, Chasiti (Chastodon) Moore with Moxie Photography, and Poor William–a […]
Aubrey sings Angel from Montgomery
(Clarksdale, Mississippi) The Salon de Boheme was the site of yet another serendipitous heartfelt expression this past weekend. Aubrey (We calls her Sweet Thang) Powell and a friend, we calls him Bunny, were visiting the Delta Bohemians prior to our heading up to Ground Zero for some blues. After several adult libations and during a […]
Mr. February 2011 REDUX
Northern Humanists and Delta Bohemians
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS Pontificus believes the Renaissance was not completely antithetical to Christianity. Though hard to pinpoint its inception, the era loosely began in the 14th century and lasted for more than 200 years. The term Renaissance, meaning rebirth in French, was first used by historians in the mid-1800s. It refers to the revival […]
Watcha Gonna Do?
By POOR WILLIAM CLARKSDALE, Mississippi Why are Americans too often defined by their vocations? Is it the sum of our existence? Poor William says, “NO!” We are more than our jobs; we should be defined by our recreational and familial relationships and passions as well. Magical Madge recently gave notice at her place of employment […]
Mr. February 2011 – Sharp Dressed Man in Clarksdale, MS
Sharp Dressed Man – Mr. February 2011 CLARKSDALE, Mississippi There’s MORE…………….
I’ve Missed the Gym
By POOR WILLIAM CLARKSDALE, Mississippi NOTE: The reason Poor William and Pontificus both love to refer to themselves in the third person is because many politicians and preachers do it all the time, and the two boys want to share in the awesome sense of grandeur the third person spoken in the first person provides […]
Mississippi Delta Bohemian’s Mr. February 2011 – Sharp Dressed Man in Clarksdale, MS
Sharp Dressed Man – Mr. February
If a Little is Good, Then…
By POOR WILLIAM Never to be one to limit his fine self to one of anything, Poor William likely has arrived at the core of many of his intemperate Bohemian tendencies. It is rooted deeply in the Southern male psyche: If a little is good, then a lot is better! This gluttonous mindset will be […]
Even Fish Can Get Along, Sometimes
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS Seven tanks and a backyard pond qualify and quantify Pontificus as something of an ichthyologist. He first was turned onto fish when his mom bought him a 10-gallon aquarium as a child. Pontificus would watch and study his fish for hours, often waking up during the night to see how they behaved […]
Selected Scenes from the Clarksdale Film Festival
Selected Scenes from the 1st Annual Clarksdale Film Festival The 1st Annual Clarksdale Film Festival was held in the downtown area last weekend. It included an array of short and full length films, most thematically grounded in Mississippi Delta realism. The festival included performances by local Delta blues musicians. Prom Night in Mississippi and ESPN’s […]
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