How Should We Then Live? Episode 4 – The Lollards – VIDEO
How Should We Then Live? — Episode 4 - The Lollards. (The following text is transcribed from three spontaneous videos.) I have been doing a deep dive for a couple months into the Reformation, the Renaissance, and all the kings of England, and the church. I really have wanted to do a “How Should We Then Live” episode on the Lollards. I did one and it was just so dry even Madge looked at me and said, “Honey, I love you but I just think you are going to lose everybody.” Well, it lost me too. It was so esoteric I wasn't even sure I understood it! So, we are going to try to simplify things. Also, I need to take a break. … [Read More...]

How Should We Then Live? Episode 3 – Having Enough and Eternity – VIDEO
How Should We Then Live? —Episode 3 — Having Enough and Eternity (The following text is transcribed from the spontaneous video.) Man, it's a foggy day on the moon. I love it like this! I'm in my new Nordic NK Rapido; it's 19 1/2 feet long 18 1/2 inches wide. He's sweet I know. He's sweet I know. I have a Savior and He's sweet, I know. Dark clouds may rise and the strong winds may … [Read More...]

How Should We Then Live? Episode 2 – A Discussion on This Series, the Author, and the Why – VIDEO
How Should We Then Live? Episode 2 - A Discussion on This Series, the Author, and the Why A little about this series: “How Should We Then Live?” The title is taken from a book by the same nomenclature. “How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, by Francis Schaeffer, a prominent 20th-Century theologian and philosopher. Schaeffer wrote extensively with diligent … [Read More...]

How Should We Then Live? Episode 1 – VIDEO
HOW SHOULD WE THEN LIVE? Episode 1 Madge and I, during our morning devotional, after praying, reading from Psalms, Proverbs and the New Testament, read aloud from whatever Christian philosophy/ideology book we happen to be going through at the time! We are now reading: How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Culture, by Francis Schaeffer, a prominent Evangelical theologian, … [Read More...]

It’s “Chilly Outside”: Reflections on Tha Moon relative to God’s Immanence, Imminence & Eminence in the Mississippi Delta: Commonality of Faith!
It's "Chilly Outside": Reflections on Tha Moon relative to God's Immanence, Imminence & Eminence in the Mississippi Delta: Commonality of Faith. God is Immanent, Imminent & Eminent in the Mississippi Delta: Immanent = InherentImminent = ImpendingEminent = Distinguished Yet, God is also transcendent here: Beyond us, outside us, above us. … [Read More...]

IMMANUEL: Reflections on the Life of Christ – Delta Bohemian Seminars
Delta Bohemian Seminars:Book Study ofImmanuel: Reflections on the Life of ChristBy Michael Card The Delta Bohemian® is pleased to announce our second (2nd) book study in the Delta Bohemian Book Study series. Our first seminar focused on “The Secret History” by Pulitzer Prize winner and Mississippi author, Donna Tartt. … [Read More...]

It Shouldn’t Hurt To Be A Child
Written at 3:00am when I couldn’t sleep after reading an article about a precious, very young girl who killed herself after constant bullying at her school, where admin did nothing!!! 😢 It Shouldn’t Hurtto be a child,nor one on the margins. Where the mean prey,and seek to slayothers not as strong. … [Read More...]

Proverbs of Wisdom Concerning Children
The following are from the Book of Proverbs of Wisdom concerning children which may give insight to parents when deciding whether to discipline their children or not to discipline their children. How, when and why go to the trouble and effort to choose to do so. Let's explore... … [Read More...]

The Good Samaritan, an Ass-Whuppin’, and Long Hairs in Church – VIDEO
Hey, man. This is Chilly Billy Howell and I'm out yakkin' on Alcorn Island in the middle of the Moon in my Gitche Manitou Mystic Moonglow Stellar S16G2. I was filming with the GoPro but it got too hot. Imagine that. It is over 100° heat index. I've been thinking about The Good Samaritan. Madge and I went to St. Peter's Episcopal Church last Sunday where we sometimes worship … [Read More...]

Addict Talks To Himself About Addiction – VIDEO
I wasn't going to share anything today but I have an unction. I have been thinking about addiction today. I think about that all the time. If you are an addict and you don't think about addiction then you are probably going to get in trouble. There are a million things I could say, but what has hit me today is addiction is a son-of-a-bitch. … [Read More...]

Muggeridge, Lust, Lepers, Freedom and Spirituality – VIDEO
Today, my erstwhile kinsman, Malachi Montroy, who travels with me solo when we kayak, wrote, "we haven't even begun to see the beginning of woes." That is not because he is excited about it, and it ain't because he is a prophet. But you can look at things in the natural and see that there are some hard times possibly coming. … [Read More...]

Dr. Bo Marley Was Loved By Many
Thoughts from Charles Cesare about Bo. Madge and LeAnne, Bo was a very kind smart man. Always easy to talk to as how he was a good listener. As his medical partner/associate all those years, we always talked about our interests and issues in our life when we worked, particularly in the operating room. He always spoke very kindly and respectful of his parents, showed genuine concern for their … [Read More...]

Primo Meals at Uncle Henry’s on Moon Lake
April 28, 2022 - Hey Man, in my waning and pauperesque years (ain’ they all) I don’t eat out often, but I’m sure glad I did on Juke Joint Fest Sunday! I heard zero music, never made it downtown on Saturday for the April extravaganza, but was blessed with the opportunity to share our bucolic Delta Outback on five tours with fourteen touristas. … [Read More...]

Hooker Grocer and Eatery in Downtown Clarksdale
Greg Birdson at Hooker Grocer and Eatery in Clarksdale April 9, 2022 - Killa meal at Hooker Grocer and Eatery in downtown Clarksdale tonight!! Sasha Monty is truly a paragon & purveyor of Epicurean delights! Greg Birdsong is the consistently most felicitous & talented bartender known to mankind (made Chilly Billy Howell a delightful mocktail for my alcoholic ass), the table service by … [Read More...]

My Last Meal At The Fabled Ranchero
Chilly Billy and Chris Green at The Ranchero My last meal at the fabled Ranchero was on April 16, 2022. The Ranchero was started by Nelms Mitchell in 1959, the year before my birth! Chris Green, dedicated daughter and descendant, has kept it alive and flourishing during good times and difficult times! I love Chris! Truly, categorically, and indubitably the kindest, always positive, … [Read More...]

Chilly Billy Jack and the Crack Pipe (Video)
In the following spontaneous video “Chilly Billy and The Crack Pipe,” I ruminate on a 70’s classic movie, “Billy Jack” and how a scene in the film came to mind upon hearing about the United States government’s recent plan to provide crack pipes to addicts and to have injection sites so they can shoot up “safely.” … [Read More...]

Tribute to Mark Benson by Chilly Billy (Video)
In the attached video Chilly Billy pays tribute to our friend, Mark Benson, and his great love for Clarksdale and the MS Delta. … [Read More...]

Spontaneous Pontifications on Poets, Writers, and the Snarky!
VIDEO IN POST In the attached video I spontaneously pontificate on poets, writers and snarky folks whose derision quite frankly pisses me off. I share aloud, of admitted zero import, some internal thought processes into the workings of a reticulated Delta Bohemian mind. … [Read More...]

American Dirt: Left and Right
Chilly Billy spontaneously responds to the impact of a book recommended by his daughter with a post titled, "American Dirt: Left and Right!" VIDEO IN POST Discussion revolves around reaction to a comment made on social media regarding what I should and should not read based on the commenter's presuppositions referencing my reading American Dirt. … [Read More...]

Spontaneous Thoughts on Birth and Rebirth
Our Grandson Bouldin moments after he was born, with his mother and father. Spontaneous Thoughts on Birth and Rebirth by Chilly Billy Howell, a Thankful Grandfather VIDEO IN POST Spontaneous thoughts on birth and rebirth by a thankful Grandfather lead this thankful Christian to a continued awareness of the miracles surrounding us at all times. … [Read More...]

Spontaneous Reflections on an Addict’s J.I.H.A.D and Agrarian Living
(VIDEO IN POST) Chilly Billy spontaneously reflects on an addict's J.I.H.A.D. and agrarian living while herfing a stogie. Living in the Southern part of the United States in rural, row-crop regions allows for reflection and contemplation not often found in urban, big-city communities. Though not a huge fan of acronyms, J.I.H.A.D. spoke to this addict/alcoholic as to the end result of a … [Read More...]
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 4 – The Lollards – VIDEO
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 3 – Having Enough and Eternity – VIDEO
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 2 – A Discussion on This Series, the Author, and the Why – VIDEO
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 1 – VIDEO
- It’s “Chilly Outside”: Reflections on Tha Moon relative to God’s Immanence, Imminence & Eminence in the Mississippi Delta: Commonality of Faith!
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