In the attached video Chilly Billy pays tribute to our friend, Mark Benson, and his great love for Clarksdale and the MS Delta.
Mark Benson was a “real” property investor in Clarksdale—owning several downtown buildings and three very cool overnight accommodations.
Mark passed away a few days ago and he leaves a beautiful biological family behind as well as a “family” of those his life and joie de vivre influenced.
Clarksdale has been blessed by many “outsiders” who have come to Clarksdale full-time and part-time, and who have invested real dollars in real property and then opened businesses serving our burgeoning local economy.
Mark is no exception and was truly a hail-fellow-well-met. Always encouraging of other creative economy businesses, even those in competition with his, our friend Mark leaves a hole in our locality and in the hearts of those who loved him! Cheers, my friend! God’s Peace!
Chilly Billy
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