It’s “Chilly Outside”: Reflections on Tha Moon relative to God’s Immanence, Imminence & Eminence in the Mississippi Delta: Commonality of Faith!

The Good Samaritan, an Ass-Whuppin’, and Long Hairs in Church – VIDEO

Hey, man. This is Chilly Billy Howell and I’m out yakkin’ on Alcorn Island in the middle of the Moon in my Gitche Manitou Mystic Moonglow Stellar S16G2. I was filming with the GoPro but it got too hot. Imagine that. It is over 100° heat index.  I’ve been thinking about The Good Samaritan.  Madge and I […]

Addict Talks To Himself About Addiction – VIDEO

I wasn’t going to share anything today but I have an unction. I have been thinking about addiction today. I think about that all the time. If you are an addict and you don’t think about addiction then you are probably going to get in trouble.  There are a million things I could say, but what […]

Muggeridge, Lust, Lepers, Freedom and Spirituality – VIDEO

Today, my erstwhile kinsman, Malachi Montroy, who travels with me solo when we kayak, wrote, “we haven’t even begun to see the beginning of woes.” That is not because he is excited about it, and it ain’t because he is a prophet. But you can look at things in the natural and see that there […]

Chilly Billy Jack and the Crack Pipe (Video)

In the following spontaneous video “Chilly Billy and The Crack Pipe,” I ruminate on a 70’s classic movie, “Billy Jack” and how a scene in the film came to mind upon hearing about the United States government’s recent plan to provide crack pipes to addicts and to have injection sites so they can shoot up […]

Tribute to Mark Benson by Chilly Billy (Video)

In the attached video Chilly Billy pays tribute to our friend, Mark Benson, and his great love for Clarksdale and the MS Delta.

Mississippi Club Shows Love to Many

Mississippi Club shows love to many in Mississippi using its website and through social media by tirelessly sharing Mississippi good news. The creator of Mississippi Club, Rosalin Moss, wanted to get in touch with old classmates and relatives back in 2004. One day she up and decided to take a Mississippi road trip back to […]

If the World Goes Dark Tomorrow

If the World Goes Dark Tomorrow — By Malachi Montroy, para mis hijos, my children        The world, our world, this world is presently as complex and unknown—to be so well known—as at any time in the recorded history of mankind. 

Clarksdalian Bill Harlow Has Always Liked Cars

Clarksdalian Bill Harlow has always liked cars. How many of you remember when Bill’s dad had the Friars Point Motor Company? Young Bill worked in the parts department back then and grew up around motor vehicles. He especially enjoyed his days of competitive horseshoe mud racing. “I like racing cars!” he said with a devilish […]

Hang Your Holiday Hats at Hopson Commissary

The world has changed; that’s a fact! From large cities to rural gems—like Clarksdale—economies and social structures have taken a hit due to Covid-19 and “all the stuff, real and imagined” resulting from its presence! Hopson Commissary, a longtime historical treasure in the North Mississippi Delta, is changing too; but open in the fall on […]

Cathy Nutt Live Podcast Starring Chilly Billy

Cathy Nutt Live Podcast starring Chilly Billy Howell is Wednesday, September 2nd for a full hour, LIVE, from 3:00-4:00pm CST.   Or, as Billy prefers…. “The Cathy Nutt Show Featuring Delta Bohemian Podcast Redneck Chilly Billy Howell.” 

Kingfish Crowned King of the Blues

Christone Ingram, aka Kingfish – Crowned King of the Blues The kind, God-loving 21-year-old is riding a humongous wave of well-deserved recognition tonight from blues music lovers worldwide and from his hometown of Clarksdale, Mississippi. We couldn’t be prouder. Last night, during the virtual 2020 Blues Music Awards ceremony, Kingfish, who was nominated for 5 […]

Malachi Moment Number 863

When I get stressed, I get anxious and depressed. When I get too much relief, I get anxious and depressed. Any kind of heat creates weather. It all starts with heat, like a butterfly effect. Heat affects everything. Heat affects change. Depression is more looking backwards and focusing on things that have happened that we […]

Clarksdale Scenes Friday Before Juke Joint Fest 2017

Clarksdale, Mississippi – VIDEO IN POST! The Delta Bohemian originally posted this on April 18, 2018. Greetings from Clarksdale, Mississippi, heart of the MS Delta! Juke Joint Fest 2018 is upon us and Clarksdale is hoppin’ like a jumpin’ bullfrog in Calaveras County. Magical Madge and I have hastily thrown together a get-acquainted-with-Clarksdale video I took […]

DBJ Features Delta Bohemian Billy and Madge Howell

Delta Business Journal Features Delta Bohemian Billy and Madge Howell We are very grateful to Delta Business Journal (DBJ) and to writer Becky Gillette for recognizing us as “Ambassadors for the Delta.” Chilly Billy and I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation with Becky and appreciate her inquisitive interest in who we are and what we do. […]

Visit Clarksdale Presented Research-in-Action Award

Coahoma County Tourism’s Visit Clarksdale was presented with the Research-in-Action Award at the annual Mississippi Governor’s Conference on Tourism Nine Special Research Awards were presented at the 2019 Governor’s Conference on Tourism held this Fall in Columbus, Mississippi. These special awards are presented in recognition and appreciation of research efforts. Recipients are usually a Tourism […]

Back to the Blues with Mississippi Roads Featuring Clarksdale —VIDEO

Join Mississippi Public Broadcasting host Walt Grayson as he travels “Back to the Blues” with the popular show Mississippi Roads featuring Clarksdale.


CLARKSDALE, Mississippi So, are you thinking about coming to our little mecca in the heart of the Mississippi Delta but you aren’t too sure what to do when you get here? After all, could there really be that much to do in a town of 15,000+? Before the list begins, we want you to know […]

A Clarksdale LIVE MUSIC VENUES Guide

Clarksdale Live Music Venues – our little Mississippi Delta town features live music 365 days a year! Where are the best places to hear live music in Clarksdale? This list will help, starting with our favorite, Red’s Blues Club. During festivals more music venues open and buskers are found on many streets. This Guide highlights our regular spots during non-festival […]

Top Ten Juke Joint Rules

Top Ten Juke Joint Rules for visiting Clarksdale’s fabled juke joints, blues clubs, music venues, etc., will ease your mind and put you square in the middle of cool. We might be a land of affable-yet-pugnacious characters, eccentrics, crazies, lazies, loosey-goozies and profound pontificators, but we do appreciate a nod to our societal norms, if the concept of […]