Ode to The Tank Man – A poem by Chilly Billy Howell

Ode to The Tank Man A poem by Chilly Billy Howell   Tank Man is the name ascribed to the unidentified Chinese man who stood blocking the departure of tanks from Tiananmen Square on June 5, 1989. The photo was taken by Jeff Widener of the Associated Press. What happened to this brave soul is […]

A Testament to Nevermore

“The days of wine and roses laugh and run away like a child at play Through the meadow land toward a closing door A door marked “nevermore” that wasn’t there before The lone-ly night discloses just a passing breeze filled with memories Of the golden smile that introduced me to The days of wine and […]

At Our Creator’s Beckon

At Our Creator’s Beckon West ‘cross the bay Gatsby doth pray Beseeching summer’s solstice The winter’s moon Cries loud the loon Turn just a wee bit faster

Petulant Peter

PETULANT PETER Petulant Peter Has no meter When measuring disrelish To fuss and fume Opaque the room Painted by his displeasure

Having It All on Any Given Wednesday Afternoon

The sensible Southern writer and philosopher Walker Percy while extensively and presciently musing on the modern malaise of man wrote the following: “But something is wrong…He has settled everything except what it is to live as an individual. He still has to get through an ordinary Wednesday afternoon. . . . What does this man […]


DISEASE OF MORE Disease of More Is not just lore— Cunning, baffling, conniving

Cowered by the Lying Tongue

Cowered by the Lying Tongue   Cowered by the lying tongue Nabobs run amok Spewing incendiary phlegm Couched in the specious Thinking I am alone. Alone not we Gentler combatants Truckled by evil intent Fearing our hearts become the same Kick against the goads we must To stay alive and free Towering Titans above us […]

Being Southern

Being Southern The first one said Went to my head I’m inherently lazy

Consumed by Him the Addict

Consumed by Him the Addict A time to think A time to drink Better to seek the prior Combustion said Goes to the head Of the seeking outlier

Caught in an Eddy by Mark River

Caught in an Eddy by Mark River Introduction by Slim Gravy in italics There are a few folks in the lives of most who are always a welcome sight to see and whose words, demeanor and affectation always bless. My friend, Mark River Peoples, along with his friend and mentor, John Ruskey, are two such […]

The Stir of Mockers

“Mockers can get a whole town agitated, but the wise will calm anger.” — Proverbs 29:8 Who is a mocker? Someone who ridicules, belittles or treats others with contempt. That’s who. It was most likely Solomon, Son of David, who noted that mockers have the ability and likely the propensity to stir up a whole town. It’s […]

It Ain’t Snitchin’ if It’s True; It Ain’t Wrong if It’s Right

It Ain’ Snitchin’ if It’s True; It Ain’ Wrong if It’s Right “When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong.” — Ecclesiastes 8:11 Recently, we were the victims of a crime of intrusion and opportunity, when we contacted Clarksdale Police Department and the Mayor Chuck Espy, haste was […]

God Bless Us Everyone: A Thanksgiving Missive

“The surest route to wealth is to change one’s perception of wealth!” — Stated by a good friend in Recovery at an NA meeting last night, as we were sharing on what we are thankful for, including the freedom as folks with addiction issues to get together to discuss how we can live healthier, more […]

The Gift of Desperation

The Gift of Desperation by Slim Gravy “Desperate ills need desperate remedies.” – Agatha Christie The Gift of Desperation is an unexpected, yet gilded consequence serving as a catalyst helping me acknowledge my need for more than I can provide!

The Elephant’s Graveyard – A Poem Written in 3 Stages

THE ELEPHANT’S GRAVEYARD: TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN, TOO FAR FROM THE SON, RESTORED BY THE SON a poem written in three stages by Slim Gravy I kinda disappeared for a month. I was in a treatment facility in Eastern, TN as a result of not having dealt with some things from my past. Acute […]

Cellophane Blues – By Slim Gravy

While in detox in a treatment center prior to being transferred to JourneyPure in Eastern TN, I was struggling one night with a roommate’s habit. Easily over-stimulated and often affected by every bell, whistle and noise not controlled by my dysfunctional self, I was about to snap in the middle of the night, but God […]