Ruminating on the Passing of a Friend

(V I D E O I N P O S T) Life and the loss of it are a given; yet, for the living, the passing of a friend is a painful part of living. Often, I spontaneously reflect on life and death in the Mississippi Delta! As an addict, an alcoholic and a fairly […]

The Stir of Mockers

“Mockers can get a whole town agitated, but the wise will calm anger.” — Proverbs 29:8 Who is a mocker? Someone who ridicules, belittles or treats others with contempt. That’s who. It was most likely Solomon, Son of David, who noted that mockers have the ability and likely the propensity to stir up a whole town. It’s […]

Crosstalk Kills

I want to share how appreciative I am to be part of a vital, therapeutic sub-culture, where I freely examine myself, out loud, often daily, with others who understand what ails me, and who always thank me for sharing—without crosstalk, which kills cognitive processing!

God Bless Us Everyone: A Thanksgiving Missive

“The surest route to wealth is to change one’s perception of wealth!” — Stated by a good friend in Recovery at an NA meeting last night, as we were sharing on what we are thankful for, including the freedom as folks with addiction issues to get together to discuss how we can live healthier, more […]

The Elephant’s Graveyard – A Poem Written in 3 Stages

THE ELEPHANT’S GRAVEYARD: TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN, TOO FAR FROM THE SON, RESTORED BY THE SON a poem written in three stages by Slim Gravy I kinda disappeared for a month. I was in a treatment facility in Eastern, TN as a result of not having dealt with some things from my past. Acute […]