What Are You Going To Do? Do Ya Know? Posted 9-8-11

What Are You Going To Do? Do Ya Know? Posted 9-8-11 PHOTOS INCLUDED IN POST Three separate Mississippi River experiences, trips to Ground Zero Blues Club for election results, music at Bluesberry Cafe on a Monday, Hopson Commissary twice – once for a birthday and once for the Junction Reunion, an excellent Theatre Oxford production […]

Wild Bill’s New Plan: That Other Week-Old Challenge Just Didn’t Feel Right

By POOR WILLIAM Poor William, with his manic self, has bitten off more challenge than he can chew, and the boy can chew. Damn, he really thought this round of goal setting might work. It didn’t! Some folks don’t respond with resounding success to goals overly defined, and Poor William “are” one. Bohemians do not […]

Asking For and Giving Forgiveness Matters

Pontificus Minimus Opines “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” — Mark Twain. Ole Pontificus can be a tad bit testy at times, particularly when hungry, out of money, or just plain antsy due to being his dysfunctional self. Last week, he was edgier than necessary with […]

The Delta Bohemian Moves to Downtown Clarksdale

The Delta Bohemian Moves to Downtown Clarksdale   The Delta Bohemian has set up shop in downtown Clarksdale, Mississippi, 149 Delta Avenue to be exact–right next door to

Have You Ever Challenged Yourself? Check out The Beginning of Poor Williams Most Excellent Adventure and Reflections on Personal Relativity

Have You Ever Challenged Yourself? Check out The Beginning of Poor William’s Most Excellent Adventure and Reflections on Personal Relativity By POOR WILLIAM Poor William has been inspired by a recent meeting with two cool brothers from England. Dave Cornthwaite, adventurer extraordinaire, who has set numerous world records and plans many more, happened through Coahoma […]

barefoot WORKSHOPS – Creating Documentary Filmmakers right here in river city Clarksdale

barefoot WORKSHOPS   Creating Documentary Filmmakers right here in river city Clarksdale   PHOTOS AND VIDEOS INCLUDED Did you know that Barefoot Workshops has brought 100 filmmakers and photographers from 18 countries to Clarksdale, Mississippi to produce 40 documentaries? Did you know their students have interviewed 130 people and filmed over 500 hours of footage […]

WRITINGINTERRUPTUS: The Ballad of Jack Tallywack

WRITINGINTERRUPTUS The Ballad of Jack Tallywack By POOR WILLIAM A True story, just now occurred, a mere several hours before DB press time. The nickname was, of course, made up, but just barely! Even the prurient are worthy of a literary nickname seeping with nobility and honor, particularly Deep Down South–all words should be capitalized, […]

Dont Be Suing My Broke Ass in the Cradle of Crazy

PONTIFICUS MINIMUS OPINES Instead of finishing the article I started late last night, which needs to be completed in about an hour by Delta Bohemian press time, more aptly akin to “river time,” a phrase Quapaw Canoe’s intrepid paddler John Ruskey refers to often when on the water and he and his wildly felicitous fellow […]

Scenes Around Clarksdale during the Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival Weekend

Scenes Around Clarksdale   Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival Clarksdale’s 24th Annual Sunflower River Blues and Gospel Festival enjoyed a rare event….relatively mild weather on Saturday and Sunday. What a blessing. The Delta Bohemian took a few photographs while out and about during the festival. Enjoy! We look forward to posting a Sunflower Festival […]

Miss Sylvia’s Voice Message for Mr. Howell

(Clarksdale, Mississippi)  →RADIOLAND VIDEO INCLUDED← Poor William in his role as innkeeper for the Clark House Residential Inn located in the historic district of downtown Clarksdale, Mississippi fields a bevy of calls daily from all over the world. Folks love Clarksdale–birthplace of the blues. One lady from Water Valley, Mississippi called last week and left […]


A DELTA SHORT: By WILLIAM PRENTISS WARNING: This story, though ultimately shrouded in redemption, does portray some characters in their basest state, including coarse language, non-gratuitous graphic sexuality, and internal dialogue and behaviors, which include obvious incidents of racism, sexism, and behaviors unbecoming those seen in a moral and polite society. Please read no malicious […]

Que feras-tu? Or…What Will You Do?!! Posted 8-2-11

Que feras-tu? Vous ne savez pas? Eh bien, laissez-nous vous aider. Si vous êtes partout dans le delta du Mississippi et surtout Clarksdale, ont un regard sur certains événements qui se déroulent autour de la ville. Confused? Don’t be. A group of “Frenchies” passed through Clarksdale this past week on their blues tour through the […]

I Am a Gonna Do It! Bullshit!

POOR WILLIAM’S WHIMS: I Am a Gonna Do It! Bullshit! By POOR WILLIAM   →VIDEO INCLUDED← The other late evening began with Poor William laughing at “his ownself.” Him all knowing he was full of what Coach Artie Nute called “bullmalarkey.” Now, he does not bullshit to actually con folks into thinking something contrary to […]

Writers Overload, Fairy-Tale Endings, and Mr. Right Now

Writer’s Overload, Fairy-Tale Endings, and Mr. Right Now By YOUNG & FREE writer CORINNE VANCE Follow Corinne on Twitter @corinne143. Time and time again I have sat patiently in front of my computer screen waiting for a thought to stimulate my mind and put my fingers to work on my keyboard. I have desperately attempted […]

What is Going On?

→ VIDEOS INCLUDED← You tell me….what IS going on around Clarksdale and Coahoma County and beyond these hot summer days? Folks are movin’ slow and in a vacation kind of mood. The Delta Bohemian attended the Summer Blow-Out Blues Jam at The Den on Thursday, July 7th and enjoyed the sounds of Clarksdale icon Johnny […]

How Taking the Chicago Plunge in 1969 Changed a Seminarian

By Guest Bohemian Rev. David A. Elliott III with Publishers Footnote by Magical Madge I have been asked by Magical Madge to be a “Guest Bohemian”–an honor which I cherish very much. I taught Madge at All Saints’ Episcopal School in Vicksburg, Missisippi and just recently met the rest of her family–Corinne and Poor William. […]

Marshall Bouldin III and Troy Catchings: Peerless Artists

By Pontificus Minimus Rare is the opportunity in today’s amoral and egocentric times to be in the presence of two great men or women in an intimate setting at the same time. Recently, Pontificus had that singular pleasure, and it has the potential to change his life, it he will let it. Pontificus interviewed the […]

Watcha Been Doin In and Around Clarksdale? Posted 7-7-11

Watcha Been Doin In and Around Clarkdale? Posted 7-7-11 →DELTA BOHEMIAN SCENE PHOTOS AND LOST DUCK VIDEO INCLUDED← So, what have you been doin’ in and around Clarksdale and Coahoma County and beyond? The long days of summer are upon us and movement around town is slow and laid back. In fact, Clarksdale seems a […]

Drew Mississippi and Drew School District: A Long Way from the Days of Archie “Who” Manning: Education and Culture in the Abyss

Drew Mississippi and Drew School District: A Long Way from the Days of Archie “Who” Manning: Education and Culture in the Abyss By Huckleberry Ed Huckleberry Ed remembers his first trip to Drew as a youngster. It was for Archie Manning Day in 1971; the legendary baseball great, Dizzy Dean, who married a Bond, Mississippi […]

What Will You Be Doin in and around Clarksdale town? Posted 6-23-11

What Will You Be Doin’ in and around Clarksdale town? Posted 6-23-11 – UPDATED 6-29-11 →PHOTOS and VIDEO INCLUDED – MORE follow-up images  of the Mississippi River Flood of 2011 (displaced deer), QUICKSAND video and some weather shots← What’s going on in and around Clarksdale and Coahoma County and beyond? Hmmm… I wonder. It’s summertime […]