By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS This was originally published in the Clarksdale Press Register under the name of Poor William. Once again, Pontificus found out that Poor William had “borrowed” his writings and thoughts! “Man who lives to throw stones should understand trajectory of boomerang,” so says Pontificus Minimus. Jesus was emphatic about the consequences awaiting his […]
Northern Humanists and Delta Bohemians
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS Pontificus believes the Renaissance was not completely antithetical to Christianity. Though hard to pinpoint its inception, the era loosely began in the 14th century and lasted for more than 200 years. The term Renaissance, meaning rebirth in French, was first used by historians in the mid-1800s. It refers to the revival […]
Mullet Theology: Blessing or Curse
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS CLARKSDALE, Mississippi What say ye Pontificus? Mullet theology? Doth thou jest or are thou creating a new belief about God? Neither one my fair friend, I am merely proposing a contemporary name for the centuries old quest for the answer to many a Christian’s dilemma: Who is right, Reformation man or […]
Loofah Love and Legalism
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS Pontificus was waddling in the bathtub last night and reached for Magical Madge’s loofah–an item he is most unfamiliar with–in order to scratch a bit of an itch on his foot. Well, it felt so good that he scratched the itch next to it, which led to a full body scrub down. […]
Bishop to the NOTORDINARY
PONTIFICUS MINIMUS OPINES NOTE: The reason Poor William and Pontificus both love to refer to themselves in the third person is because many politicians and preachers do it all the time, and the two boys want to share in the awesome sense of grandeur the third person spoken in the first person provides to such […]
Even Fish Can Get Along, Sometimes
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS Seven tanks and a backyard pond qualify and quantify Pontificus as something of an ichthyologist. He first was turned onto fish when his mom bought him a 10-gallon aquarium as a child. Pontificus would watch and study his fish for hours, often waking up during the night to see how they behaved […]
Reconciliation, Fire, Iron, and Another Phone Call
By Pontificus Minimus (Clarksdale, Mississippi) “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” — The Apostle Paul. “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” — Mother Teresa Pontificus had the opportunity this week to put to […]
The Hallmark of a Christian Ain’t What You Think
A happy boy in Moon Lake! Life is good for father and son! Photo by DB By Pontificus Minimus (Clarksdale, Mississippi) What say ye Pontificus? The hallmark of a Christian? Elaborate kind sir! Well, Pontificus had a professor in Bible College who repeatedly said the hallmark of a Christian should be THANKFULNESS! Most folks think […]
David Danced, Poor William Pranced
(Clarksdale, Mississippi) By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS I TOLD POOR WILLIAM NOT TO DO IT, but does he listen to me? The porcine, powder-puffed poet just has to be “hisself!” I told the denuded, disrobed, Cavalier One that some folks around here are not gonna find his antics amusing. He said, “It ain’t for all those folks, […]
Created in God’s Image: Not a Piece of Crap
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS How often does Pontificus, who surely knows better, refer to someone as being a piece of crap? Too often! Doth he dare speak so ill of one crafted in the image of the Holy? Are we not all created in God’s image? Should one for whom Christ died be maligned by another […]
Martha’s Benediction
By Pontificus Minimus “Lean on your love for God, lean on your love for Beth, and always, always, have a good sense of humor!” — Martha Johnson These timely words were recently reiterated at the Howell, Johnson, & Connell annual Christmas night party, celebrated now for about 45 years! Though Pontificus moved away from the […]
Standing in a Mississippi Delta Bathroom at Midnight
By Pontificus Minimus (Clarksdale, Mississippi) Standing in a Mississippi Delta Bathroom at Midnight. She is perched on her stool facing away from her Vanity with nothing on but a loosely draped towel after having just gotten out of the bathtub. He is in boxers and a long sleeve shirt facing her while rocking side to side […]
Some Stones Are Just Too Heavy
ALERT: This was first published in the name of Poor William, the roustabout vagabond Bohemian pillager, who pilfered his kinfolk Pontificus’ opining. Poor William was trying to impress his mother by making her believe he had scribbled his dear brother’s stolen sermon. His mother didn’t fall for it. Poor William remains contrite! (Clarksdale, Mississippi) by PONTIFICUS MINIMUS “Man who lives to […]
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