Mississippi, Dixie Beer, Sweet Lucy, Ducks and Guns

The following submission for DINGUS BATTICUS’ column was a result of Lil John McKee’s recent duck hunting and beer swilling weekend with some college football teammates from over 30 years ago. Dingus shares a kindred spirit with his erudite agricultural icon–Lil John Mckee (Swamp Rat). Larry D–Larry Davis–one of the beer-swilling meatheads, wrote the following […]

Two Black Walnuts catapulting over a Cotton Field in the Mississippi Delta

(Clarksdale, Mississippi) Watch this video of the Delta Bohemians about to shoot two black walnuts overs a barren cotton field in the Mississippi Delta. [youtube]http://youtu.be/Dp_fhNSpER0[/youtube]

Delta Bohemian – what is it?

Madge Howell and Billy Howell have created the Delta Bohemian website at www.deltabohemian.com Check it out and see what you think!

The Definition of a Metro Redneck

By POOR WILLIAM (Clarksdale, Mississippi) Metro redneck is not necessarily an oxymoron—words that don’t go together, but it might raise the ire of those with latent tendencies and or an aversion to anything not clothed in camouflage and smelling of cordite—gunpowder. According to one definition found in the Urban Dictionary, a metrosexual is a “normally […]

A Whole Bag of Cookies

  by POOR WILLIAM (Clarksdale, Mississippi) Rip the ribald jester, local Clarksdale, MS hairdresser and Clark Street savant, told a tale recently that analogically sums up a modern day Mississippi Delta dilemma—the lack of delayed gratification. Now, Poor William rarely turns down an adult beverage, is known to eat all that is before him, eschews […]