Be a Thankful Southerner, Not a Bitter One

Martin Luther King, Jr. said “never succumb to the temptation of bitterness.” This constitutes sage advice from a peace-loving man. If I am not thankful when I have lots to be thankful for, then I sure as hell will not be thankful when the sh*t hits the fan, which is the very time God tells […]

Sunflower River Flood in Clarksdale and Coahoma County

  SUNFLOWER RIVER FLOOD VIDEO IN POST By Poor William And the rains came tumblin’ down…March saw epic flooding in our celebrated corner of the universe—The Mississippi Delta. Tragically, during the Sunflower River Flood of 2016 many Clarksdale area homes were lost, many likely never to be replaced or refurbished. Our thoughts and prayers are […]

CASTAWAYS – Our Only True And Faithful Companions?

“Are our only true and faithful companions castaways?”  John Ruskey, on the river, Oct. 2014 Castaway: A shipwrecked person, an outcast, or anything cast adrift or thrown away. Last year at the conclusion of a three-day Mississippi River camping, canoeing and river-literature expedition, Ruskey posed the above-mentioned question regarding the faithfulness of castaways. I wrote […]

A Thanksgiving Cogitation

A Thanksgiving Cogitation Poor William reflects on thankfulness. ⬇️ WATCH THE VIDEO ⬇️

Who Defines Crazy

By Poor William “Me thinks the whole world is crazy except me and thee; and sometimes I wonder about thee.” — Old Quaker saying Irv: “Do you think there ought to be background checks before someone can purchase a weapon?” Me: “Yes.” Irv: “Do you think crazy people should be able to buy weapons?” Me: […]

Mississippi Delta Sunset with Delta Dog Gunny

By Poor William VIDEO and PHOTO GALLERY “Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.” — Mila Kundera, Czech writer I doubt Kundera […]

Law and Order Matters

By Poor William “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals: separated from law and justice he is the worst.” — Aristotle, who was not a dumbass  🙂 The worm has turned in the United States, and not for the better. No pretty butterflies exiting cocoons here! Too many folks with shit for […]

A Prayer for a Friend

[youtube width=”600″ height=”350″][/youtube] By Poor William RADIOLAND VIDEO A Prayer for a Friend Friend, I am ashamed to say I hardly know you for I’m ‘sposed to know you well. I call you friend but you are much closer than a friend, even closer than a brother.

Delta Design

By POOR WILLIAM “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord […]

Longhaired Republicans, Politics and Facebook Rants

By POOR WILLIAM Wow! What a week it has been for Facebook pontificators, polarizing politicians, and armchair pundits: Bibi Netanyahu’s speech to the house about Iran, the Selma commemorative march, Hillary’s emails or the lack thereof, Ferguson closure to some degree, and ISIS, always ISIS.

Skinny Jeans, My Ass

By POOR WILLIAM What in sam hill are skinny jeans and why would any man wear ‘em, unless he could? I can’t, so to hell with skinny jeans. Levi’s defines them as follows: “Skinny jeans are form fitting and designed to accentuate your shape.” What shape? Can’t nobody but nobody fit in skinny jeans if they […]

Mississippi Delta Cat Trumps Delta Dog, Every Time

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi VIDEO Mississippi Delta Dogs are an inescapable, loosely cherished constant in our beloved homeland, but they are not the cat’s meow! Cat will get a fella every time! A friend of Poor William’s is fond of saying that you can lead a man off in to the Grand Canyon with one […]

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Delta Bohemian!!!!

Clarksdale, Mississippi Magical Madge and I want to thank our Business Partners (check ‘em out on our website), our Subscribers (if you haven’t subscribed do it now. It’s free!), and folks—near and far—who love the Mississippi Delta and all it has to offer:

Money Gruber

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi RADIOLAND VIDEO about Money Grubbin’ with a shout out to Jonathan Gruber Sometimes ya just gotta see the humor in things in order not to cry like the rare bureaucrat with a pink slip. Regardless of your political persuasion or your feelings about hot-button issues in the mainstream press, the following […]

Clarksdale Garden Club and an Old Nun Prayer

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi I did it! I attended a meeting of the Clarksdale Garden Club! My lovely wife, Magical Madge Marley Howell, invited me to tag along and help her film a holiday presentation by our good friend, Marilyn Trainor Storey, Mississippi Design Maven. Don’t get me wrong, I ain’ opposed to growing stuff; […]

IT Will Get You if You Let IT

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi A RADIOLAND VIDEO IT! What IT is? IT is what IT is! That’s IT! But also, IT is a personal, genderless, subjective or objective pronoun. IT takes the place of a noun and often refers back to some object in the sentence. But what is IT? It ain’ all that complicated […]

Mississippi Delta Snow Geese

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi. (VIDEO) Deep browns surround Winter wheat sprouts verdant Spring not far, yet unseen Hope is lofty, but not restricted

Time on the Mississippi River with Huck and Jim

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi   (VIDEOS with PHOTOS) “Is it necessary to cut rope and are your only true and trustworthy companions castaways?” John Ruskey, guiding a seminar discussion about Huckleberry Finn Well? This known rope cutter believes this is a mighty fine question for above-and-beyond ruminations.

Poor William Loves Water – Hot or Cold

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi    (VIDEO!!) Hey Man, I just can’t seem to get enough water. Must be the Delta boy in me, or maybe it’s just the inherent need to be baptized, often. I ain’ real sure! My Mama always said when I was taking extra-long showers that I was washin’ away my […]

Don’t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down

By POOR WILLIAM CLARKSDALE, Mississippi  VIDEOS INCLUDED Spirit draggers, I can’t stand ‘em and yet I “are” one! My lovely wife Madge Marley Howell sang a powerful bluesy song during the offertory at church on Sunday. Padre Bill Gleason accompanied on guitar and Alice Hasen played violin. “Don’t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down” by […]