Another Mississippi Delta Saturday Night

By POOR WILLIAM VIDEO and PHOTOS Delta folks ain’ scared of a party and that’s for damn sure. It’s always on in the Mississippi Delta: whether high-browing at the Country Club or low-browing just about any-damn-where-else. We Deltans love to party whether at a cocktail party, a tailgating event at one of the universities, or for […]

Clarksdale Mayor highlight of Helena Annual Chamber Dinner

By MAGICAL MADGE PHOTO GALLERY at bottom of post Whooooo-oooot! When I hear that call, I know it’s a Quapaw calling! This time dear friend and founder of Quapaw Canoe Company John Ruskey invited Poor William and me to join him at his table for the Helena Annual Chamber dinner. The keynote speaker this year was Clarksdale Mayor […]

Coen of My New Orleans captures the Mississippi Delta

By MAGICAL MADGE New Orleans, a destination for millions of travelers worldwide, is talking about the benefits of “Traveling the Mississippi Delta: A land of myths and legends.” Cheré Coen with wrote a fascinating article about three of our towns, Greenwood, Indianola and Clarksdale, and touched on the mystical points in between, the back roads, […]

Coahoma County Students aiming for Washington

By MAGICAL MADGE Clarksdale, Mississippi We received a sweet note from a local teacher at Coahoma Country Jr. – Sr. High School in Clarksdale. Read it and respond if you will. We did. 

Juke Joint Festival in Clarksdale

Clarksdale, Mississippi PHOTOS FROM PAST JUKE JOINT FESTIVALS PAGE MAY BE SLOW TO LOAD DUE TO MANY PHOTOGRAPHS It’s Juke Joint Festival time and that means live music abounds everywhere and tourists start piling into Downtown Clarksdale. It’s been a long, cold winter. Let’s get to jukin’! Pics from a few past Juke Joint Festivals.

90 Days of Peace Rally in Clarksdale

By MAGICAL MADGE Do you want peace in Clarksdale? (Or do you want to turn a blind eye and hope the bloodshed will just go away?) Do you want to take a stand and say “No More” to senseless violence? (Or do you want to continue thinking maybe it won’t happen to you?)

What led him to Quapaw Canoe Company?

By POOR WILLIAM and GUEST BOHEMIAN MARK RIVER PEOPLES “Be true to yourself, have faith in the Creator and humanity, and you will find your way.” — Mark River The Delta Bohemian and Quapaw Canoe Company have many things in common, including an appreciation for individuality, nature, outdoor expressions of joie de vivre, and the river—Mississippi and Mark.


By MAGICAL MADGE Every day I look forward to my email from Memphis StyleBlueprint and on my birthday a special one landed in my inbox. The title got me immediately–“CONFESSIONS OF (AND TIPS FROM) A VACATION RENTAL JUNKIE.”

Give ’em Hell CeDell – “Last Man Standing”

By POOR WILLIAM Tarzan is no longer playing in black and white on Saturday afternoons, at least not in the Mississippi Delta, so whatcha gonna do this Saturday afternoon, March 7th, from 3:00—5:00? Why not mosey on down to 1 Blues Alley in downtown Clarksdale, birthplace of the blues and host to the oldest music museum […]

Let’s Meet at the Clarksdale Train Depot

By MAGICAL MADGE PHOTO SLIDESHOWS including BAREFOOT WORKSHOPS EVENT It wasn’t long ago Coahoma County Administrator Daniel Vassel told me, “Clarksdale has so many great places to meet!” For business or pleasure, this little Mississippi Delta town does have some unique gathering spots open throughout the work day. The two of us started to name a few […]

Cactus and Stud: Meet Me in the City! Again!

By POOR WILLIAM ↓ VIDEO INCLUDED ↓ Clarksdale is all right! Live blues every night of the year, right here, in river city! One never knows what he or she will get when they hit the town of Clarksdale to hear some blues. Each single night at every different venue with a multitude of local and visiting […]

Christone Kingfish Ingram Clarksdale Blues Prodigy

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi VIDEO and PHOTOS Christon Kingfish Ingram is a “bad boy” to be such a good boy; meaning his always improving guitar skills place him on par with some of the finest guitarists to ever have plucked some strings. Clarksdalians and visitors from all over the world, who have availed themselves of […]

Play more tunes for me Daddy Rich

By MAGICAL MADGE Clarksdale, Mississippi VIDEOS It’s sad, sad to think Daddy Rich may bow out of the music world. I know he took a break this past year to get his priorities straight and for that I commend and respect him. We have missed his music and self. But enough is enough! Play more tunes for […]

Lucious Spiller Band at Red’s Lounge in Clarksdale

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi VIDEO & PHOTOS “I really didn’t shoot her; I just kicked her to the curb!” — Lucious Spiller Last year’s Solo International Blues Challenge second place winner, the indomitable Lucious Spiller, gave a rave performance Saturday night at Red’s Lounge in downtown Clarksdale. I no longer record at Red’s but […]

MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Delta Bohemian!!!!

Clarksdale, Mississippi Magical Madge and I want to thank our Business Partners (check ‘em out on our website), our Subscribers (if you haven’t subscribed do it now. It’s free!), and folks—near and far—who love the Mississippi Delta and all it has to offer:

Red Paden Birthday Bash at Red’s Lounge

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO AND PHOTOS Sunday night was a time of great festivity for Clarksdalians— natives, transplants, and miscreants—who love Red Paden and his world-renowned, one-of-a-kind, ain’t-nothing-like-it blues lounge. We celebrated Red’s birthday in typical Red’s Lounge fashion: cold beer, warm BBQ, hot and milky blues, and sizzlin’ moonshine!

Clarksdale Artist in Residence Mecca

By MAGICAL MADGE Clarksdale, Mississippi VIDEO Buildings all over Clarksdale beg to become sanctuaries for artists in residence. In the meantime, while entrepreneurs like Charles Evans, who is renovating and converting several spaces along Sunflower Avenue for one such purpose, our artists in residence and visiting artists in residence must take up shop wherever they can […]

Clarksdale Garden Club and an Old Nun Prayer

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi I did it! I attended a meeting of the Clarksdale Garden Club! My lovely wife, Magical Madge Marley Howell, invited me to tag along and help her film a holiday presentation by our good friend, Marilyn Trainor Storey, Mississippi Design Maven. Don’t get me wrong, I ain’ opposed to growing stuff; […]

IT Will Get You if You Let IT

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi A RADIOLAND VIDEO IT! What IT is? IT is what IT is! That’s IT! But also, IT is a personal, genderless, subjective or objective pronoun. IT takes the place of a noun and often refers back to some object in the sentence. But what is IT? It ain’ all that complicated […]

The Mosquito Returns to the New Roxy

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi (VIDEO at BOTTOM OF POST) “By popular demand we are going to host another Mosquito spoken word event.
We’ve got cold beer, wood to burn and the funkiest tiki bar in town. 
Come see our latest improvements and say goodbye before we fly home on Thursday.” — Robin Colonas, NEW ROXY