Screen shot of the GoFundMe page for Coahoma Jr. and Sr. High School DC trip. 2015.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
We received a sweet note from a local teacher at Coahoma Country Jr. – Sr. High School in Clarksdale. Read it and respond if you will. We did.
Good evening, Mrs. Howell!
I was hoping that you could help me spread the word about my students. I am a history teacher at Coahoma County Jr. – Sr. High School here in Clarksdale, MS and we’ve been raising money to pay for our trip to Washington, D.C. March 31-June 4.
Some of our kids have never been outside of Mississippi and I am so anxious about giving them the experience of a lifetime. Some of our kids are exposed to so much violence, I just want them to enjoy being kids for a few days.
They’ve worked so hard this year raising the money, but they need $9,800 more to complete their goal. I’ve set up a GoFundMe page. Can you please share this page with your followers. Hopefully, with your help, we’ll get this paid by the end of the week.
Mrs. Miller
I am so right there with you, Mrs. Miller. Your students are blessed to have you as a teacher.
After reading Mrs. Miller’s letter, if you want to help out, we encourage you to visit their GoFundMe page and contribute.
Every dollar matters so give what you can.
I recall when my daughter Corinne Vance was in 5th grade her class got to take a trip to Washington, DC too! They hemmed and hawed and said they didn’t like seeing all those boring monuments and stuff, but deep down that trip left a lasting impression on them. It certainly did me. The group took a side trip one day to Gettysburg. Our guide was hypnotic; I developed a love of history like I had never had before after that day spent with him.
Enjoy a few photos from our 2005 St. George’s Episcopal School Washington, DC trip for the 5th and 6th graders. Fun times!
I want to do my part to help these local Coahoma County students in Clarksdale raise enough money to go on their trip to Washington, DC. This kinds of stuff matters.
Please join me and visit their GoFundMe page and donate to this worthy cause.
Thank you, Mrs. Yo Rená Miller, for reaching out to me via my Facebook Messenger. I pray this article will help spread the word and your Coahoma County Students will raise the money they need to take their school trip to Washington. Be sure and pay a visit to our Senators!
- Corinne Vance and her mother Magical Madge on school trip to Washington, DC 2003.
- Corinne Vance with friends on school trip to Washington, DC 2003.
- Corinne Vance’s friends at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during school Washington, DC trip. 2003
- Corinne Vance with friends on school trip to Washington, DC 2003.
- Corinne Vance with friends on school trip Washington, DC 2003.
- Corinne Vance at Gettysburg Mississippi monument during school trip to Washington, DC trip. 2003
- Guide at Gettysburg during school trip to Washington, DC trip. 2003
You can see more from this school trip on Madge Marley Howell’s facebook page.
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