Primo Meals at Uncle Henry’s on Moon Lake

April 28, 2022 – Hey Man, in my waning and pauperesque years (ain’ they all) I don’t eat out often, but I’m sure glad I did on Juke Joint Fest Sunday! I heard zero music, never made it downtown on Saturday for the April extravaganza, but was blessed with the opportunity to share our bucolic […]

Son of the South – MOHEAD Home Concert

Son of the South – MOHEAD Home Concert  The Delta Bohemian® is jazzed to present local friend, musician and quintessential Son of the South, John Mohead, who just released a new album and will be performing on Thursday evening, September 27th, for the Clarksdale White House Home Concert Series.

Sunset Over Moon Lake

A sunset over Moon Lake never fails to remind us how thankful we are for simple beauty unparalleled. Today was no exception. The light was mystical, drawing the Magical one to water’s edge…add “Shakin’ in the Cradle” by the intuitive Eric Tingstad, and what ya got here folks is Delta Delight, and for this we give God thanks, and we […]

Mississippi Delta Sunset with Delta Dog Gunny

By Poor William VIDEO and PHOTO GALLERY “Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.” — Mila Kundera, Czech writer I doubt Kundera […]

Estate Management with Poor William

CLARKSDALE, Mississippi    VIDEO Poor William reflects on Estate Management. More words just seem superfluous. mm [youtube][/youtube]

Nuthin’ and Everything

By Poor William (Clarksdale, Mississippi) Nuthin’ can be something, and nuthin’ can be everything, if one’s everything is nuthin’! Nuthin’ and Everything. Two words appearing to be diametrically opposed—nothing and everything—are not as mutually exclusive as they appear. Seeming to be polar opposites, they actually are quite kin.

Kathryn’s Restaurant at Moon Lake is only minutes from Clarksdale

By Magical Madge and Poor William (Dundee, Mississippi) VIDEO When I heard in the Spring of 2012 that blues musician John Mohead, along with wife Jenn and sons Jack and Henry, had purchased Moon Lake’s Kathryn’s Restaurant, I knew the place was destined to make a comeback. We had seen ownership change numerous times over […]

Legend of the Greasy Man

Legend of the Greasy Man by POOR WILLIAM How often do we remember with vivid acuity scary stories and non-fugacious legends from our youth? Such is the case with Poor William and the Delta legend of the Greasy Man. As a child, spending summer nights at the Peay clubhouse on Moon Lake, across the street […]

Where has My Reflection Gone?

By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS Aye, Pontificus Minimus laments the loss of his reflection, but this does not mean he is “Vlad the Impaler” or another nocturnal, blood-sucking vampirish creature, unable to see his reflection. It simply means that 21st century living in the good ole US of A does not allow much time for reflection. Oh, […]

327-Pound Alligator Gar? That Ain’t Nuthin’!

POOR WILLIAM’S WHIMS:   327-Pound Alligator Gar? That Ain’t Nuthin’! By POOR WILLIAM Mississippi might not be number one or even number 49 in education, but I’ll be damned if we don’t have the largest ever recorded alligator gar in the history of alligator gars: 327 pounds, 8 feet, 5 1/8 inches, caught on Valentine’s […]

Even Fish Can Get Along, Sometimes

By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS Seven tanks and a backyard pond qualify and quantify Pontificus as something of an ichthyologist. He first was turned onto fish when his mom bought him a 10-gallon aquarium as a child. Pontificus would watch and study his fish for hours, often waking up during the night to see how they behaved […]

The Hallmark of a Christian Ain’t What You Think

A happy boy in Moon Lake! Life is good for father and son! Photo by DB By Pontificus Minimus (Clarksdale, Mississippi) What say ye Pontificus? The hallmark of a Christian? Elaborate kind sir! Well, Pontificus had a professor in Bible College who repeatedly said the hallmark of a Christian should be THANKFULNESS! Most folks think […]