Son of the South MOHEAD Home Concert Thursday, September 27, 2018
Son of the South – MOHEAD Home Concert
The Delta Bohemian® is jazzed to present local friend, musician and quintessential Son of the South, John Mohead, who just released a new album and will be performing on Thursday evening, September 27th, for the Clarksdale White House Home Concert Series.
Buy tickets for MOHEAD – Home Concert Series at Clarksdale White HouseDoors open at 6PM and concert begins at 7:15PM.
Limited Seating.
100% of Ticket Sales for our Home Concerts go to our Artists
Mohead, a bi-vocational artist—with restaurant, music and business chops—will be headlining the nascent series, which offers attendees an intimate listening experience presented by accomplished musicians sharing their self-styled, lyrical/musical gifting, often with background info, in an elegant-yet-informal living room, food provided by Abe’s Bar-B-Q, dishes optionally brought by attendees, and setups provided for a BYOB preference!
I am not an album reviewer, but I can tell you how his new album and title song, “Son of the South” makes me feel: Mohead makes me want to claw my way home to the Delta when I ain’ here; and when I am here, he makes me want to ride the MS River levee and give thanks that I am already here!
Son of the South is a mix of mostly originals and well selected covers fleshing out a gifted Southerner’s intrinsic experience living in, having left, and being back in the MS Delta, rife with riparian themes unexplainable without deep-seated familiarity with this Most Southern Place on Earth.
Mohead reminds me of my years living elsewhere and coming back home for periodic visits. After skimming Crowley’s Ridge above Helena, Arkansas, I would slowly ease across the bridge spanning the ever-rolling Mississippi River into the row-cropped flat lands on the Mississippi side, just a few miles from where Civil War era Union forces blew the Mississippi River levee in order to surge into Mohead’s Moon Lake, commencing several failed attempts to reach the siege of Vicksburg inland.
Back in Coahoma County, among 250,000 acres of row crops, oxbows and tree-lined horizons, I always knew I was home. Like Mohead, I had to leave the Delta to “find out what it means to me!”
‘Tis a rare gift to offer a musical pastiche—artistic piece chiefly containing motifs—of Delta emblems in a manner not cheesy or Disneyesque. Mohead does this: appropriately marbling agrarian meaning and substance into pleasing tunes affording opportunity to sing along, reminisce, or wander your own Delta roads in your mind, never over-stimulated by unnecessary complicated riffs not belonging to non-complicated themes.
Mohead rocks as gently as boat waves lapping the shores of his beloved oxbow, Moon Lake! I now have a much deeper appreciation of the lake I live on, the very lake that informed much of who he is and what emanates from the multi-gifted Son of the South! Go ‘head, Mohead! Thanks, Man! Looking forward to September!
To order John Mohead’s new album go to moheadmusic.com; pick it up at John Mohead’s historic restaurant, Kathryn’s, on Moon Lake, Thursday through Sunday evenings; or better yet, get on to 325 W. 2nd St., on Sept. 27th, and listen to John play some of the songs on this and other albums, then buy it after the performance, and I bet he would scrawl an autograph. Gonna be worth it! Cheers! Chilly ☺
For a former post on Mohead, go to https://deltabohemian.com/mohead/
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$10 Advance Online Tickets
$15 Cash at the Door
Son of the South (song lyrics)
by John Mohead
I was born under a veil of Cypress trees
Baptized in the tears of history
Raised on Faulkner and BB King
I had to leave to know what it meant to me
I’m the son of the south and do ray me
Hush yo mouth / don’t tell me that it’s gone with the wind
There’s no doubt / I’m the son, son of the south
I got mud in my blood and songs in my soul
Sweet magnolia brings me home
It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird
Atticus Finch he told me so
I’m the son of the south and do ray me
Hush yo mouth / don’t tell me that it’s gone with the wind
There’s no doubt / I’m the son, son of the south
You can take me out of context / you can take me literally
Take me to the river / that is where I’ll be
I’m the son of the south and do ray me
Hush yo mouth / don’t tell me that it’s gone with the wind
There’s no doubt / I’m the son, son of the south

Mohead – Son of the South

Mohead – Son of the South

Mohead – Son of the South
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