LEO BUD WELCH: Sabougla Voices reviewed

By Poor William (CLARKSDALE, Mississippi) VIDEOS IN POST “I believe in the Lord, but the blues speaks to life, too. Blues has a feeling just like gospel; they just don’t have a book (a Bible).”  — Leo Bud Welch The duality that is the Delta is the very human duality found in Leo “Bud” Welch. […]

Past Remembrances of Fun Times with Chef Levi Minyard posted on the Delta Bohemian

The Delta Bohemian was born during a time when we were close friends with the late Levi Minyard. In fact, we announced our launch of The DB at a highly successful Food and Wine Tasting at Madidi Restaurant in August 2010 when Levi was the Executive Chef there. Levi encouraged us to follow our dream […]

Radioland: Sensitive About Being Sensitive

  Radioland: Sensitive About Being Sensitive By Poor William VIDEOS in post. Poor William is sensitive! That is an indisputable fact and a metaphysical certitude. He is quite manly–of this he is certain. The opining lad has facial hair except where he has pulled it out during stressful moments. He drinks scotch with just a […]

Photos of Miss Del’s Book Signing for Nell Dickerson, Battle of the Bands at GZBC, The Help at Delta Cinema and more…

Photos of   Miss Del’s Book Signing of GONE for Nell Dickerson   Battle of the Band Winners at GZBC   The Help showing at Delta Cinema and more…

Local Clarksdale Arteests doin’ what Clarksdale Arteests do – hangin’, listening to the blues and fellowshipping

(Clarksdale, Mississippi) Clarksdale local gallery owners and artists/musicians Bradley Gordon of Gordon Gallery, Joey Young or Lambfish Art Company and Stan Street of Hambone Art Gallery….all in the Mississippi Delta….captured on a night at Ground Zero Blues Club.

Any Given Wednesday at GZBC

(Clarksdale, Mississippi) Her name is Miranda. Miranda Mulholland. She is from Toronto. She is Bohemian. She is an Artist. She is a Fiddler beyond compare. She played at Ground Zero Blues Club. She played with local musicians at the club. There is more….. A video!