Lois Lowry Shares Her Story with Clarksdale

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi Library full, mostly women—young to old—kids on iPhones, growing up fast, three young ladies in white headdresses, teachers with list for extra credit, several young Mennonite girls, faces flush with innocence and beauty, wearing printed dresses, small groups of rovers patrolling looking for friends, all well behaved, light chatter a pleasant […]

Mississippi Delta Snow Geese

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi. (VIDEO) Deep browns surround Winter wheat sprouts verdant Spring not far, yet unseen Hope is lofty, but not restricted

Do You Know Charlie Musselwhite?

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi  (VIDEO) Ladies and genulmens, what do you get on a Thursday night when ya cross at the Crossroads a recently relocated Deep Blues Festival with a serendipitous encounter on the back porch at the Shack Up Inn late night, all made possible by Magical Madge’s curiosity about everybody who comes to […]

Easy Like Pedi Cabbing on Sunday to Red’s Blues Club

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi  (VIDEO and PHOTOS) Clarksdale and the Mississippi Delta are made all the richer due to folks from the world over who consistently return year after year to get their Delta fixes: blues, good eats, fair weather, cold beer, and most importantly,

Soggy Sweat Whiskey Speech


The Mississippi Delta – by Donald Christian

When The Delta Bohemian® moves a soul to share, relate, communicate, touch and/or love us, from a spirit within themselves that innocently and purely wants, dare we say, needs, to connect, it encourages us to persevere. Here is one such dialogue which began by email, sharing past experiences and a soon-to-be of the Mississippi Delta. We will call […]

Clarksdale Recycling – It nice!

Clarksdale, Mississippi  (VIDEO) Recently Coahoma County and the City of Clarksdale began its first recycling program. The recycle bins are located on the westside of Walmart parking lot on State Street. Until the program becomes more established, we are asked to take our recyclables to the bins for now. See the details below on what is recyclable […]

Time on the Mississippi River with Huck and Jim

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi   (VIDEOS with PHOTOS) “Is it necessary to cut rope and are your only true and trustworthy companions castaways?” John Ruskey, guiding a seminar discussion about Huckleberry Finn Well? This known rope cutter believes this is a mighty fine question for above-and-beyond ruminations.


CLARKSDALE, Mississippi   VIDEO and PHOTO SLIDESHOW Attend this year’s popular annual event CARE FEST 2014 to benefit the Clarksdale Care Station. Head to Ground Zero Blues Club, Thursday, September 25 at 7pm. Suggested Donation is $10. Featured Musicians

Yazoo Pass Emails Crack Me Up

By MAGICAL MADGE CLARKSDALE, Mississippi   PHOTOS Emails are bombarding my inbox. Thankfully I have learned the iPhone trick that allows me to mark all new mail as “read” in one simple step. But there is one email I get regularly and I relish reading it. My childhood friend Jack Bobo, fellow Sumnerite and Tallahatchian, manages Yazoo Pass. […]

Don’t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down

By POOR WILLIAM CLARKSDALE, Mississippi  VIDEOS INCLUDED Spirit draggers, I can’t stand ‘em and yet I “are” one! My lovely wife Madge Marley Howell sang a powerful bluesy song during the offertory at church on Sunday. Padre Bill Gleason accompanied on guitar and Alice Hasen played violin. “Don’t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down” by […]

Association of Food Journalists lap up Clarksdale

By POOR WILLIAM CLARKSDALE, Mississippi – INCLUDES PHOTO SLIDESHOW Known for blues, good eats and Southern hospitality, Clarksdale provided a heaping helping of all three last Friday night at downtown Oxbow Restaurant. The Association of Food Journalists (AFJ) held its annual meeting in Memphis last week with an optional side trip to Clarksdale, heart of the […]

Music on the Lawn at Cutrer Concert Series

Clarksdale, Mississippi Wanna stretch out on some green grass and listen to cicadas, crickets and the oh-so-smooth Alphonso Sanders and no telling what other musicians he will have with him? Then plan to attend the Cutrer Concert Series this Saturday, September 6, 2014, from 6 – 8pm, featuring the popular Mississippi Delta jazz musician Dr. Alphonso Sanders and friends.

Ray Proetto covers Juke Joint Festival 2014

Ray Proetto is an avid photographer who enjoys documenting blues musicians. Ray has been a featured writer for the DELTA BOHEMIAN®. Visit his website BLUES POWER PHOTO and his shop on Etsy. By GUEST BOHEMIAN RAY PROETTO Clarksdale, Mississippi The 2014 Juke Joint Festival in Clarksdale MS had its share of amazing highlights…   

Mississippi River Great Books Seminar Openings

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi Have you been searching for a salubrious, multi-day adventure in the Mississippi Delta that includes Socratic discussion of seminal Western literature, camping and canoeing on the Mississippi River in a 30-foot-long cypress canoe, and a stay in the oldest extant home in Clarksdale, Mississippi, all during the Tennessee Williams Festival? Well, […]

From Clarksdale to Memphis Fun

By MAGICAL MADGE Clarksdale, Mississippi  (PHOTOS and VIDEO) In today’s world the distractions we face are immense. To focus on anything for very long is a challenge even for those not diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. The television sits dark most days, the news is depressing. Stacks of periodicals and mail pile up, the to-do list keeps getting longer. Emails flood […]

Celebrating Unity and Diversity in the Mississippi Delta

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi “Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”  —  Psalm 133:1 The initial Delta Bohemian® tagline: Celebrating the Constancy and Diversity in the Mississippi Delta is still real, true, and spot on, but we are changing Constancy to Unity! Why?

Mississippi Delta Sunsets Nourish The Soul

By MAGICAL MADGE Clarksdale, Mississippi If you follow THE Delta Bohemian®–Poor William, Pontificus Minimus, Chilly Billy–also known as Billy Howell on Facebook, then you know how possessed he is with sharing, via his iPhone camera, the magnificent glory of the evening skies in the Mississippi Delta. Billy snaps photographs. Greg Birdsong, another Delta Bohemian® and native of Clarksdale, […]

Stages of a Cotton Plant

By POOR WILLIAM Clarksdale, Mississippi (VIDEO) We love cotton in the Mississippi Delta. We grow it, wear it, think about it, talk about it and are thankful for it. It is a complicated, expensive crop to grow, but the fruiting process makes for some pretty scenery and the product blesses the whole world and our […]

Foxtrot Gallery Pop-Up Show and RUST Restaurant Festival Menu

Clarksdale, Mississippi The whole pop-up thing continues to trend in the Mississippi Delta. We dig the spontaneity.