“It is a racist thing.” Say It Ain’t So, Morgan Freeman? Your Pity Party Doesn’t Serve Tea?

“It is a racist thing.”


Say It Ain’t So, Morgan Freeman?


Your Pity Party Doesn’t Serve Tea?



No Sir! Poor William never thought he would be writing this article. Having penned a couple of positive posts about Morgan Freeman, the actor, not the newly self-appointed political activist, I am loath to write this, but write I must.

For the sake of full disclosure, I worked as a bartender at Morgan Freeman’s Madidi restaurant until last year and my wife managed the restaurant for almost two years, resigning her position last spring. I am a devoted fan of Freeman’s acting skills, philanthropy, and his previously made comments to Mike Wallace, in response to Wallace’s question about how to end racism, in which Freeman stated, “Stop talking about it!”

The bone I would like to pick with Freeman has to do with his labeling the Tea Party and its adherents as racist. Poor William will not address President Obama’s or the Tea Party’s platforms or beliefs, as they are irrelevant to this conversation. I am merely responding to Freeman’s inconsistencies and race-baiting politics of discord.

Morgan Freeman being interviewed by Piers Morgan on CNN. Watch the full interview at 9pmET, September 30, 2011 on CNN.

Morgan Freeman being interviewed by Piers Morgan on CNN. Watch the full interview at 9pmET, September 30, 2011 on CNN.

Pssst! Have you heard? Morgan Freeman, having learned little or possibly having learned much from his divisive and derogatory comments about mule-headed farmers, which were made leading up to his business partner’s run for Governor of the Great (and sometimes not great) State of Mississippi, has “spoken” again.

This time, Freeman accused the Tea Party, who he said controlled the Republican Party, as being racist, simply because it would like to defeat Obama at the polls in the next presidential election. This conversation occurred between Freeman and Piers Morgan on his CNN television show.

Freeman: The Tea Party’s stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? Screw the country. We’re going to do whatever we do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.”

Piers Morgan: But is that necessarily a racist thing? Wouldn’t they say that about any Democrat?

Freeman: It is a racist thing! They are not gonna get rid of Obama either [like they couldn’t Bill Clinton] (Poor William didn’t realize Bill Clinton was black?). They are shooting themselves in the head.

Piers Morgan: Does it unnerve you that the Tea Party are gaining such traction?

Freeman: Yes!

Piers Morgan: Why?

Freeman: Well, it just shows the weak, dark underside of America. We are supposed to be better than that. We really are! (So are you Mr. Freeman; you are supposed to be better than this!) That’s why all those people were in tears when Obama was elected president. Ah, look at what we are—this is America. Then it just sort of started turning because these people (white folks?) surfaced, like stirring up muddy water (somebody is boiling the water Mr. Freeman and it ain’t the Tea Party?).

Full interview aired at 9pmET/PT on CNN, September 23, 2011.

Fair-minded and truth-loving readers, so help me, I have searched and searched for the “stated” policy that Freeman refers to as being part of the Tea Party plank, and I can’t locate it. Could Freeman be speaking ex cathedra in his self-appointed role as “The Great Oz” of race-baiting politics?

As we say in the Deep South, “What a crying-ass shame” that Freeman’s twilight years and his previously-thought-of good sense have devolved into what many people will remember him for: A castigating attack based on zero empirical evidence on a group of folks who happen to disagree with President Obama’s view on how best to run a country floundering in life-choking debt and discord.

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Democratic Party have recently expressed frustration with Obama’s governance; does that make them racist? Not likely!

So, is everyone who doesn’t want Obama elected to a second term as President of the United States to be labeled a racist?

The politics of race baiting have already silenced a slew of Americans from speaking out against many things they are troubled about, due to a fear of being labeled racist. As a result of accusations of racism by prominent African-Americans and not-so-prominent African-Americans, the national come-let-us-reason-together dialogue has increasingly become muted. What a shame.

Freeman’s divisive politics and recent, denigrating and vilifying comments will further divide America. This is not Freeman’s first racist foray into slandering a whole group of people with vituperative comments based on obviously off-the cuff, mired-in-fiction elocutions.

The well-liked and most excellent movie star and financial investor in the Mississippi Delta reportedly made the following comment during the early days of his business partner’s attempt to be elected to the highest office in Mississippi–excluding the noble-but-unstable office of head football coach at one of our state’s major universities–even Bulldogs and Rebels get along off the field:

“Reform in Mississippi is hard because the base stock of this state is a mule-headed bunch of farmers. Those farmers have ruled the roost for so long because this is an agricultural state.”

Also, Freeman sent out a fundraising letter for his friend and business partner stating, “Holding on to the old politics of race, class and region has starved Mississippi for too long.”

It appears Freeman is the sole possessor of the right to paint folks with a broad brush while accusing those who don’t use his brush of the same thing. The base stock of this state is NOT a bunch of mule-headed farmers.

Now, do we have some farmers today and were there many white folks back in the day who “held” Mississippi back? Sure! Have egregious acts of racism been committed in the past in Mississippi? Absolutely! Have some white folks given Mississippi a “shiner” in the eyes of the nation and the world? No damn doubt! BUT…

Is it fair to paint all white folks, all farmers, all Mississippians or any group of people with differing views of one’s own with Freeman’s horse-feather brush? HELL NO! Morgan, stop it! Please?

Morgan, you have a bevy of God-given and constitutionally-protected rights allowing you to spout whatever you feel led to share, but please don’t disparage everyone who happens to disagree with you politically, ideologically, philosophically, and pragmatically by referring to them as being mule-headed or racist.

Freeman has pulled out the Johnny Cochran trump card now, and this is what I and many other fans will remember him for: a poor legacy for a once-great man, who in the past appeared to be about racial reconciliation, not race-hating-and-baiting politics. What a crying-ass shame! PW

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  1. What would Mr. Freeman say about Herman Cain, then?

  2. Well said, Billy. I listened to and read that interview and I felt that Morgan should have looked at a script and rehearsed a bit rather than speak off the cuff. We all say things we regret…I hope he regrets this. But, if he doesn’t, and this is the way he really feels, then that’s how he feels and we must accept it and let him be free to be himself. That’s how I hope other people see me.

  3. Sadly, it’s always easier to call someone you disagree with a name that raises hackles and gets the shouting started, than it is to disagree with them in any sort of cool, calm, intelligent manner. The left calls the right racists and fascists; the right calls the left socialists or communists (and sometimes, strangely, fascists as well.) That’s a whole lot easier than sitting down and listening to each other and then trying to change each others minds with facts and reason. Calling each other names can rally each sides’ base, and I guess because of that it’s good for political fundraising, but it almost never seems to lead to the sort of sensible compromise that is the only way real progress ever gets made. I would have hoped that Mr. Freeman would have known that, just as I imagine he wishes some Tea Party people would also know that. The whole tone of politics, from both sides, increasingly raises the cost of my bar bills.

  4. Gordon Yamamoto says

    Another good can of worms editorial PW! You are correct in wondering whether any of us, including supporters, can criticize President Obama, or even Freeman for that matter without being labeled “racist!”. The two main problems I see in this discussion which is pervasive today, are the lack of critical thinkers, and misuse of the term, “racist!”

    True critical thinking on any subject will allow gray, not just black and white. But bumper sticker politics leave no room for pesky details.

    I don’t think that “racism” occurs with most people who are not actively expressing hatred; but instead, I feel many people are just oblivious to the concerns or sensitivities of minorities…afterall, if we don’t go out of our way to learn about other cultures, we have enough to worry about in our own daily lives. Which is why I enjoy visiting towns like Clarksdale where so many people are actively trying to share cultural expressions: Blues!

    ~YAMO, Y’ALL !!

    • Well said Yamo! You and I are on ideological and theological extremes in some areas but we break bread together, enjoy discourse, and I count you a good friend! The Delta: Where black, white, blues, cold beer and good eats make for the most wonderfully eclectic relationships! 🙂

  5. Patrick Henaghan says

    The Left LOVES to label people in order to (1) shut them up and (2) stifle honest debate about real issues. Every economist worth his salt has said emphatically that we MUST cut spending or the economy will collapse; that’s mainly what the Tea Party advocates. It has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the president’s race, just his POLICIES—it’s that simple. Why Mr. Freeman or anyone else wants to bring race into the discussion is beyond me. It’s a “red herring” and does not advance the honest discussion we need to avoid financial disaster.

  6. Bravo, Billy.
    Mr. Freeman was recently invited to attend a Tea Party event. My guess is he’ll decline that invitation.

    Oddly enough, the man he so passionately supports, garnered about 95% of the black vote in 2008. Clearly, that support wasn’t based on the president’s competence.

    My advice to Mr. Freeman is that he go check out that Tea Party event and speak to a few people there. Tea Party ideals, limited government, economic liberty and property rights just might advance the same causes Mr. Freeman seeks. Take off the blinders Mr. Freeman. With black unemployment at 17% under the current president’s leadership, what have you got to lose?

  7. Jeff Smithpeters says

    I don’t think the tea partyers are about racism exclusively, but I still have never received a satisfactory answer to this question: why were there no rallys by mass numbers of white people against deficit spending while George W. Bush, who has added much more to the deficit than Obama, was in office.

    And Poor William, it is NOT racist to call out racism. I know people like Sean Hannity have started using that device on people. It just sounds silly, and you reveal exactly where you get your talking points from.

    • Jeff, sorry Dude, I don’t watch tv or any news programs, so your omniscient statement about where I get my “talking Points” would be incorrect, but it does sound like you watch Fox News! 🙂

    • I don’t speak for the Tea Party, but I will take the liberty of addressing some of your points.

      Bush was certainly no fiscal conservative. And most conservatives fought the expansion of his big government programs. True, there were no rallies. Oh there were some left-wing rallies, depicting Bush as Hitler, but I digress. But, Bush did not add more to the deficit than Obama. That’s flat out wrong. Obama tripled the deficit in under three years. And he’s added more than $5 trillion to the nation’s debt. And he’s still going strong.

      What drove the beginning of Tea Party movement was the government bailout of Wall Street, with the use of taxpayer dollars. The Tea Party doesn’t believe the federal government should be in the business of picking winners and losers. Of course if you happen to be a large political donor, your odds of being on the receiving end of taxpayer funds increases that much more.

      Handing out taxpayer dollars to the auto companies, and forcing debt holders to accept pennies on the dollar, while paying off unions, rather than settling bankruptcy matters legally infuriated most Americans. And those loans have not been paid off, regardless of that claim. Compound that with taxpayers subsidizing car sales, cash for clunkers.

      A government hijacking of health care, with promises of lowering costs (which is not and will not happen) was a huge catalyst for the expansion of the movement. The constitutionality of that should be ruled on in the next few months.

      And then of course there was the coup de gras, the American Recovery Act, also known as Stimulus. Nearly $1 trillion of wasted money, plundered from wealth earners.

      The list could go on. The arrival of the Tea Party was the result of pissed off people reaching a breaking point. This was a push-back against the expansion of federal government, and its role with its citizens. Mr. Obama is a big government tax and spend liberal. Claiming that the color of his skin is the reason for the rise of Tea Party is absurd. Where is the proof? I’ll answer that one too. There is none.

  8. Gordon Yamamoto says

    Thanks, PW! Great forum; I want to add more but this. BB is difficult to type on! Will wait ’til I get to work! 🙂

  9. Considering the state of things in our country and the moronic activities of nearly all of our politicians, news media, etc. it is my considered opinion, dear Poor William, that at least some percentage of our alcoholic beverage (and illegal mind-numbing substances, too, if you happen to swing that way), consumption ought be tax-deductible. Perhaps as much as 50%. After all, the other half of most people’s aggravating circumstances – family, spouses, personal blunders of varied sorts, are not the government’s, but their own damn faults and I don’t suppose us taxpayers should be made to subsidize that portion as well.

  10. PW, I enjoy reading your stories, and this one in particular. I find it extrememely distrubing that there remains only a “one way” street when it comes to racism. It is clear that even to speak on the subject, is most of the time, controversial. My problem is that someone like Mr. Freeman, would take this platform and this time to turn such a serious situation (our failing government) into a debate that really has no grounds. I guess everybody that disagrees with me from now on is racist. I will try that out and let you know how far I get. Thanks PW. I could write a book but I will go watch “I do not freebase cocaine” on youtube instead..

  11. Gordon Yamamoto says

    Lot of good opinions here, but I have more questions than answers: Conservatives who complain about “Big Government”…what is big? We have to support a big military (evidently), Social Security, Medicare, roads, infra-structure, etc.; how can all of these not create big government? For those of you who wear our flag on your sleeve, and tout that we are the best nation in the world, don’t all of the above contribute to your pride? And by the way, this best country in the world has diversity unlike most other places that make us both great, but also, complicated. It’s easier to change Presidents if you’re dissatisfied, than contemplate what your political affiliation is REALLY about.

  12. The short answer to your pride question is no. Neither Social Security nor Medicare contribute to my pride in this country. In fact, those are two unfunded liabilities that need to be structurally changed. The programs were mistakes that never should have grown to the extent that they have. That I believe those programs are doomed for failure until they are addressed doesn’t mean I want grandma chowing down on a can of Alpo every night, or that I am racist. It means I believe the programs are unsustainable and the problems need to be addressed without being vilified.

    The short answer to your first question is one that takes in 40% of what it spends, which is now around $3,000,000,000 per day.

    • Nate Torres says

      The majority of Americans do not want to see Medicare or Social Security go away. That includes many rural men and women who make up the Republican Party’s base

  13. Gordon Yamamoto says

    Id, thank you for your response. You are entitled, as we all are, to be critical of any and all government programs. Maybe, many of your opinions will someday reward you with a shift in our government, but for now, many of us who enjoy the benefits for which we worked so hard, actually depend upon them. As I mentioned before, we have very complex social issues in this country, and it’s hard to make sweeping generalizations that will be a cure-all for us. Notice, Obama, who is accused by the Right as being a Socialist, is also criticized by his own former allies on the Left. As I also stated, we can replace the President, but it’s harder to determine what policies will work for our total society. Meanwhile, denial doesn’t make these ills go away either. (P/S: I’ve owned my business for almost 39 years, and don’t have a problem paying taxes…life is still good!)

    • Sorry Gordon, but I wasn’t attempting to turn this discussion into a referendum on Barack Obama, right vs left or which policies work better for the country (though my responses to your questions took me in that direction). I was merely trying to hammer home PW’s point that criticism of Barack Obama does not make one a racist. And I find it despicable when someone makes an accusation of racism where it is completely unfounded and there is absolutely no proof. Freeman’s comments were nothing more than an indefensible cheap shot, using a typical straw man argument.

  14. Gordon Yamamoto says

    Thanks Id! I have to leave for home, where I only use my BB, thus, not too much typing on small format! But I agree with your sentiments; my reference to critical thinking earlier, relies upon the ability to analyze and criticize any subject without being wedded to a narrow point of view. As a lifetime Democrat, even Liberal, there are many areas that I part company w/ the common dogma. This whole forum, for example, created in the MS Delta, has more freedom of expression and speech than my native, beloved Berkeley has become! Shutting down the Marine recruiting center, many aspects of affirmative action, are a couple areas that I’m not in lock-step with Liberal thinking. Obama has not met the expectations of many of his supporters, but for us, what are the alternatives? So far, the group of Republican candidates are only going to return us to Bush endorsed policies…and personally, the underlying theme of that party is something that I just cannot identify with. Unfortunately, there are probably many people that are in the same boat; the realities are too sobering to contemplate within the confines of simple Left or Right agendas. But really, have a great weekend, at least!!

  15. Gordon and ld. My I-friends. None of you have mentioned the U.S. Department of Education and the bottomless pit currenlly being dug there. In The sometimes “Great State of Mississippi”, .63 cents out of every dollar I pay in taxes goes to the D.O.E. We ( My X and I) have HAD to pay for my 23 year old son’s education (Tuition Costs, ect)since he was in 3 year old kindergarten. There was no other choice if we wanted him properly educated.

    Other regions of the U.S. have no clue of what I speak. I currently have not one but two school buses stopping accross the road from my place twice each day. One regular size bus for elementary children and one half size bus for kindergarten aged children. This goes on year round. Winter, Spring, Fall and SUMMER for pete-sakes. These children are picked up here, in what was the middle of nowhere until I purchased some land and a home, and bused 50plus miles round trip year around. When they arrive at school, each is promptly fed a hearty breakfast. Makes for a good day of learning. Lunch, an afternoon snack and knap, then bussed back home. Only to get ready for the same routine tomorrow. All we hear from the 153 school superintendants statewide, each earning over six figures is, we need more money. Our teachers are spending there own money for necessities and parents have to send each child to school with a laundry list of items(toilet paper, paper towels, habd sanitizer, ect) which last only a few days after the school custodians get there hands on tham and Viola! another order goes home with the students for the parents.

    This is not a racist remark. This is a statement on Basic Econimics.

    • The liberal solution to most problems is the same. Keep throwing more and more money at it and ultimately the problem will be fixed. All the while the bureaucrats in DC pad their own pockets, and piss taxpayer money away. But this makes libs feel good. Remember, the results are not important; it’s feeling good and claiming you are compassionate that counts. We’ve squandered away trillions and trillions of dollars on the so-called war on poverty. And what has that accomplished? Are there any fewer poor people now? Libs are always concerned about our exit strategy in wars. What is our exit strategy in the war on poverty?

      The Tea Party is fed up with sending dollar after dollar to overstaffed and under-brained bureaucrats in Washington who have accomplished nothing. Maybe if Washington plundered a bit less local governments would be able to solve their problems locally.

      Gordon wrote, ” it’s hard to make sweeping generalizations that will be a cure-all for us.” If he really believes that why does he want to increase Washington’s influence? What’s good for Clarksdale isn’t necessarily good for Chicago. And vice versa. Why do we need a cure-all for all of us?

      Each of us should have a choice. Don’t like the way things are handled locally, change it or leave. The liberal, large central government, and one size fit’s all approach limits that choice. That is probably one reason liberals despise that pesky tenth amendment that allegedly sets limits on Washington. Wait, states rights? Ooops, don’t tell Morgan I wrote that.

  16. “What’s good for Clarksdale isn’t necessarily good for Chicago. And vice versa. Why do we need a cure-all for all of us?”~a quote from above..
    If slavery is illegal in Chicago, but legal in Mississippi, then Mississippi has an economic advantage because we would be able to produce a product a lot cheaper than Chicago. We would have an advantage based on the immoral action of using slavery. The Civil War was fought over the right of states to engage in activities that other states had found to be immoral. The States that chose to pursue the moral stance found themselves at an economic disadvantage, and thus they pressed the Federal Government to abolish Slavery, so that there would be an equal economic playing field.

    The Tea Party found it’s roots in Libertarian Ron Paul, a constitutionalist, who wishes to roll back the laws that were instituted to rebuke the immorality that has presented itself during the course of our history. His idea that we should return to the basic constitution, has stirred up quite a following.
    It is of no small interest that the nouveau Tea party candidates dance around one of Ron Paul’s stronger points.. which is to end this countries role as WORLD POLICE. They dance around it because the biggest part of our budget goes to our Military, which we do not need… why?? because we have the BIG BOMB. No other nation would ever attack us as long as we have a few thousand BIG BOMBs that could vaporize an enemy or ultimately destroy all life on earth. (give me liberty or give me death) hehe
    So why do we spend more money on the military budget than all the other nations on earth combined?
    I will tell you what i think, and that is that our economy has grown to be based upon this expenditure, and a lot of profit is being made by those who make ordinance, and supply the military with the machines of war.
    I digress, but with purpose, to show that the nouveau Tea Party candidates do not commit to closing our foreign military bases nor do they commit to withdrawing from our futile wars. .. wars that could be better fought with compassion and generosity of spirit, and will never be won with brute force.
    These acts of terrorism that we have experienced – 9/11 and other minor intrusions would be best fought as Ron Paul suggests… putting a price on their heads… not an invasion of sovereign nations. As a nation we have committed despicable acts by invading these nations, when only a handful of people were responsible for these acts of terrorism. We have made enemies that could take generations to reconcile.
    As I see it, these nouveau Tea Partiers, are in the pockets of the ‘elephant in the room’ .. the giant corporate sponsors of the war machine.
    End our foreign wars, demand it now.. Bring our troops home. Reinvest toward building our infrastructure .. develop clean energy.. restore our confidence in our finest products, Creative minds nurtured by a fine education. otherwise we are doomed to the fate of the Roman Empire.

  17. Just “One Trillion Dollars” my friends, comtemplate that figure for only one brief moment. We are what? 17 Trillion U.S. Greenbacks in Debt. Borrowing money from China to loan $700 plus Million (Only Millions) to a concept(Green) company that just this week filed Chapter 13. Give me a MF break. Things are too far out of hand to fix without some very serious measures. This is why every trip I make to Wal-mart, I buy at least one box of 12ga 00-Buckshot.

  18. P.S. Sorry Morgan! My Tallahatchie County Neighbor. But you seem to have been forgotten in this conversation. Imagine That!!! Where is the Racism now? No where. That is where. “NEVER WAS HERE” to begin with. You Damn Right. I Am Armed To The Hilt.

  19. Keith Harden says

    Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton have both expressed opinions saying the Tea Party has some racist motives. That doesn’t undo whatever good things they have done or might continue to do.

  20. howlongmustIwaitformoderation says

    The Tea Party found it’s roots in Libertarian Ron Paul, a constitutionalist, who wishes to roll back the laws that were instituted to rebuke the immorality that has presented itself during the course of our history. His idea that we should return to the basic constitution, has stirred up quite a following.
    It is of no small interest that the nouveau Tea party candidates dance around one of Ron Paul’s stronger points.. which is to end this countries role as WORLD POLICE. They dance around it because the biggest part of our budget goes to our Military, which we do not need… why?? because we have the BIG BOMB. No other nation would ever attack us as long as we have a few thousand BIG BOMBs that could vaporize an enemy or ultimately destroy all life on earth. (give me liberty or give me death) hehe
    So why do we spend more money on the military budget than all the other nations on earth combined?
    I will tell you what i think, and that is that our economy has grown to be based upon this expenditure, and a lot of profit is being made by those who make ordinance, and supply the military with the machines of war.
    I digress, but with purpose, to show that the nouveau Tea Party candidates do not commit to closing our foreign military bases nor do they commit to withdrawing from our futile wars. .. wars that could be better fought with compassion and generosity of spirit, and will never be won with brute force.
    These acts of terrorism that we have experienced – 9/11 and other minor intrusions would be best fought as Ron Paul suggests… putting a price on their heads… not an invasion of sovereign nations. As a nation we have committed despicable acts by invading these nations, when only a handful of people were responsible for these acts of terrorism. We have made enemies that could take generations to reconcile.
    As I see it, these nouveau Tea Partiers, are in the pockets of the ‘elephant in the room’ .. the giant corporate sponsors of the war machine.
    End our foreign wars, demand it now.. Bring our troops home. Reinvest toward building our infrastructure .. develop clean energy.. restore our confidence in our finest products, Creative minds nurtured by a fine education. otherwise we are doomed to the fate of the Roman Empire.

  21. Howard E Rose says

    This discussion has devolved into a Tea Party rant. its’ usual misinformation and FOX propaganda. There’s even a justification of slavery as a “state’s right.” Wow!
    Back to racism, however. 46% of Mississippi’s Republicans beleive interracial marriage should be illegal. 75% of Palin’s supporters think so. Google Mississippi interacial marriage, read all about it!
    Looks like Poor Williams cheap shot is just sour grapes.

    • This might surprise you Mr. Rose, but I am not one of those folks who believe interracial marriages should be illegal! And quite frankly, I have yet to meet a Republican who does! My article had zero to do with Tea Party or Obama politics, but you sure turned it into that! No cheap shots here Mr. Rose, just an opportunity for someone like you to spew your prejudices and venom! You sir, turned it into a Tea Party litmus test! Please learn to “read” critically and not just be “critical!” However, thank you for your comment; it adds to the discussion! Pw

  22. Howard E Rose says

    This discussion has devolved into a Tea Party rant. its’ usual misinformation and FOX propaganda. There’s even a justification of slavery as a “state’s right.” Wow!
    Back to racism, however. 46% of Mississippi’s Republicans beleive interracial marriage should be illegal. 75% of Palin’s supporters think so. Google Mississippi interacial marriage, read all about it!
    Looks like Poor Williams cheap shot is just sour grapes

    • Where in this discussion did anyone advocate slavery? States rights means just that; it’s not an endorsement for slavery. How does “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” mean let’s enslave blacks? That was tried a few years back, unsuccessfully.

      You spew fake statistics, that you pulled out of your ass. What is your source, the “Leftist Children’s Guide to Divisive Politic’s?” Oh, that’s right, it was Google. Try to Google alien abductions. They have some pretty interesting “facts” on that subject a well.

      Face it, you’re just upset you got bamboozled by all that hopen’ change rhetoric and now your Prozac prescription expired? Bummer. But the racist argument is still unfounded. Take two thorazine, wash ’em down with vodka and turn on Chris Matthews. You’ll feel better.

  23. To be fair, If one sees a couple of rotten apples in a barrel, then one might suspect that there are some other rotten apples in there . I have been around this area for quite awhile, and have actually met a racist or two.. some of them might be aligned with the nouveau tea party, thus giving the impression that the .. whole barrel might be rotten, of course we know better than that.,, Just saying. One might also get the impression that the nouveau tea party is racist because of some of the ways they have spoken of our honorable president… saying things that were obviously overstatements… and for you thumpers out there, the gospel compels us to respect the leaders of the country in which we live. Respect does not include spreading rumors, half-truths, and outright lies about that leader… of course we know that this is always done by some of those ‘rotten apples’.

    • Our “honorable” president sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for twenty-odd years and claims he didn’t hear any of his vile preaching?
      He associated with William Ayers, an unrepentant terrorist, who still believes his group’s terrorist acts resulting in the death of our countrymen were justified. Would you hang out with terrorists? Those are documented FACTS. Those are neither rumors nor half-truths.
      Politics is a rough game. And it’s been that way forever.
      But under Obama’s leadership it’s no longer politics, it’s racism. That’s absurd.

      • Howard E Rose says

        There are many photos of Little GW Bushie holding hands and kissing Saudi Kings.
        I seem to remember that most of the 9/11 terriorists were Saudi?
        Wasn’t GW’s first oil venture (Harkin Oil) partnered with the Bin Laden family?

        Also, my mother, a devote Catholic attended the same church for 84 years. It seems many of the priests who served there are now serving time for taking liberties with young men. Does this make my mother a pedofile?

  24. Howard E Rose says

    FYI. The Wall Street Journal, a Fox subsiduary, ranks this polling organization very highly. Here’s the link,
    Sorry you had to waste all that potty language, or, as in the case of Pore William all that 6th grade logic in asserting his rant had “zero” to do with the tea party, this despite writing in the header, “The bone I would like to pick with Freeman has to do with his labeling the Tea Party and its adherents as racist.” If you can follow that, you’re in the right place. It has everything to do with the rascist nature, noted by Freeman, of Mississippi Tea Party members. Read the numbers.
    Mississippi is statistcally, the dumbest, fattest, poorest state in the union. And it sucks in more Federal dollars, per capita, than any other. Now there’s a task for all you Tea Partiers out there. Fix your own house first.
    It was heartening to see that one reader, “not for” has read the Good Book and actually understands the 9th Commandment.

  25. Agreed. ld and P.W. The Tea Party was founded on sound, conservative, principles, period. Being a native Mississippian (Not sure how many posters here are natives. Only know for sure of one who is Not native to Mississippi. However, being an alumnus of a Prestigious and “Very Southern” university, we would proudly claim him as a native if it were possible for him to shake his “Jersey” accent), I believe that I am qualified to throw my opine into this discussion.

    Mr. Howard E Rose. Sir , I do not know you “From Adam’s Asshole. Nor do I wish to”. The following statement from yours truly is purely fact and anyone born and raised in Mississippi and The Delta in particular, will agree with my assessment. In regard to Racists, I have known many in my 51 years here and still do.However,there is one thing that you will find to be inherently true about “Any Racist Mississippian”. Simply this, I sir have NEVER met one single racist that is ashamed to look you in the face and say “You Damn Right I’m Racist and Proud of It”. All I am saying is this, they are NEVER ashamed to “Own UP’ to being a racist. So, if you encounter a bonafide racist, Do not worry, He/She will certainly let you know. Without hesitation. There will be No Doubt,No Gray Area, where He/She stands on the subject of Race. I Garontee!!!

    • Jeff,
      I’m working on losing the NJ accent (actually NY). Now that I’ve recently moved from the People’s Republic of NJ to North Carolina I will attempt to be more frugal with my potty language. I always hate to f#$%ing waste it.
      And for the record, Mr. Rose, sixth grade was the three best years of my life. And since you seem so very adept at logic, perhaps you can answer this question for me. If an anti-Tea Party race-baiter were to insert his head in his rectum and keep pushing, would he disappear? Try it and please report the results. And please make sure you get PW to capture the experiment on YouTube and post it. We all share a love for scientific results.

    • Howard E Rose says

      You have made my point and confirmed the polling results.
      46% Republicans an 60% or more Tea Partiers are admitted rascists.
      Why the tears when Freeman reminds us?

  26. Mr. Rose, I assume that was a rebuttal directed at me. I refuse to bring “Our Holy Father” into this debate. My religious views and the extent of my faith are none of your concern. I will tell you this after reading your comments. I may be found @ the location listed below. Stop by anytime for a cup of coffee or stout Bourbon. I can promise you will leave here with a renewed attitude.

    Name: Jeff L.Greer
    Tillatoba Creek Ranch
    1591 County Road 21
    Oakland, MS 38948

  27. Mr. Rose, you are free to take my “INVITATION” anyway you wish. Personally, I could care less.I have had about all of “YOU” i can stand. You sir, are not worth my time and energy spent reading your “Bitching Diatribe”.

  28. ld. Where did our friend go? FYI-unless you have experienced “Bourbon With Greer” the thought does seem threating. If you and I could persuade W.P.H. and J.B.M. to drop us off @ our friend Warren Rico’s Store, in Rena Lara, MS, and pick us up two hours later, Shit!!!. We could swear you in as a Deltan with your very own”Key to The Delta” After a couple lony & mustard samiches and two Miller High Life’s.

  29. Kaminari Goro says

    Maybe this will help. Did Morgan Freeman write an essay on why he believed the Tea Party was racist? It’s one thing to say something on TV, where time and words are limited. It’s another to write an essay with arguments and logic in them.

    If he wrote an essay one can full address his viewpoint and rationale.

  30. “This might surprise you Mr. Rose, but I am not one of those folks who believe interracial marriages should be illegal! And quite frankly, I have yet to meet a Republican who does!”~A statement from ‘Poor William”.
    I respect you for being one of those folks that doesn’t believe interracial marriages should be illegal, but I do doubt that you have yet to met a Republican who does.. You admitted tonight that you haven’t asked… so you don’t know for sure. By posting your assumption ‘I have never met a REpublican who does”, you have projected what amounts to an untruth. Plain and simple, you have met Republicans that you really don’t know how they feel about interracial marriage…because you didn’t ask. You made your statement because you wanted to SPIN, plain and simple.
    I tried to call you out on this statement, but you became so defensive that you declared that you weren’t enjoying our conversation and left. I had asked you if you had asked the ‘Republicans that you had met” if they believed that interracial marriages should be illegal, and you expressed that you had not asked that question. From this reply I understood that you did not know for a fact that the Republicans that ‘you had met’ thought that interracial marriage should be illegal or not… and thus the statement that you made was false, and subliminally misleading. By making that statement you wished to ‘Project’ the idea that Republicans are not racially discerning. You had made this statement in response to a posting of Mr. Rose in which he suggested that polls had shown that 65% of Repubicans polled thought that interacial marriage should be illegal. My personal conversation with you about your statement really had nothing to do with anything except the use of dialogue that is misleading. In this case, your stating that ‘Republican that you had met “had not expressed an the opinion that interracial marriage should be illegal”. This opinion is not often openly expressed these days,, except among like minded racists. So I wouldn’t expect that any of the “Republicans that you have met would be openly expressing this , even though it was the opinion that they believe.

  31. Gerald, I am disappointed with you airing on this website a personal conversation that we had tonight at an invited event! I will respond no further to your misinformed, bellicose accusations, here or in person! Please find another whipping boy!

  32. Damn P.W.!!! That is a first Dude. “I will be Your Huckelberry” (Doc Holliday). I am one person who honestly knows when you are pissed and you are pissed. Cannot allow everyone into your ring of confidentiality Dude. Don’t blame you.

  33. OK Folks – Morgan Freeman is probably my favorite actor … let’s face it, he is the only one in the world who could save Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood … but he was way off base last month with his comments … Doesn’t affect my admiration for him as an actor, but does point our that he is a racist … Pity …

    Good job Billy … Does not effect what I think about Morgan as an actor … Just unfortunate all together!

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