How Should We Then Live? Episode 2 – A Discussion on This Series, the Author, and the Why – VIDEO
How Should We Then Live? Episode 2 - A Discussion on This Series, the Author, and the Why A little about this series: “How Should We Then Live?” The title is taken from a book by the same nomenclature. “How Should We Then Live: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture, by Francis Schaeffer, a prominent 20th-Century theologian and philosopher. Schaeffer wrote extensively with diligent research and insight into the conditions and directions of Western Civilization. Many of us briefly studied a course or two in high school or college on Western Civilization. Sadly, the term is now often referred to by some as being a plethora of info about a progression of dead white men, who were racist, jingoistic—ultra-nationalistic, misogynists, misanthropes who were always waging war and … [Read More...]
Mississippi Delta Sunset with Delta Dog Gunny
By Poor William VIDEO and PHOTO GALLERY “Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.” -- Mila Kundera, Czech writer I doubt Kundera ever visited or even heard about the Mississippi Delta, but he sure understood what makes many … [Read More...]
Kathryn’s Restaurant Owner Opens Southbound in Helena
By Poor William VIDEO INTERVIEW and PHOTOS John Mohead, Numba One Cooka, fine musician, and owner/chef of Kathryn’s Restaurant on Moon Lake is opening a new version of his Southbound Pizza, formerly located in Tunica, MS. Magical Madge and I were in Helena yesterday, visiting several iconic spots, before swinging by the King Biscuit Blues Festival office … [Read More...]
ALICE HASEN – A Poet and We Didn’t Know It
By Poor William VIDEOS in post The Delta draws a multitude of people, mostly tourists who love the blues in the birthplace of the blues, but we also draw folks for many other reasons. We have some serious socioeconomic and educational issues here and are fortunate to have Teach For America (TFA) vested in helping us out. TFA picks some of the best and brightest college grads from … [Read More...]
Lightnin Malcolm Holdin’ Down the Root with Hill Country Blues
By Poor William VIDEO The basic groove has been here all along…it’s the root of everything…it will always be there…you can go a long ways if you have that root…but if you lose the root, then you take a chance; some people lose the root and make a lot more money than the people holding down the root. Holding down the root ain’ gonna make the money, but you’re holding down the root, and you … [Read More...]
Susan McPhail & Nick Nolte – The Pantyologist
By Poor William VIDEOS and PHOTOS (34 images) Madge and I were thrilled this week to attend a pre-screening of the hysterical comedy, A Walk in the Woods, starring Nick Nolte and Robert Redford with appearances by Emma Thompson and Mary Steenburgen. Tuesday evening's sold out event was held at Malco's Oxford Commons Theater, replete with adult beverages and some mighty fine vittles. Why were … [Read More...]
Law and Order Matters
By Poor William “At his best, man is the noblest of all animals: separated from law and justice he is the worst.” -- Aristotle, who was not a dumbass :-) The worm has turned in the United States, and not for the better. No pretty butterflies exiting cocoons here! Too many folks with shit for brains taking matters into their own ignorant hands: ignorant of history, ignorant of the importance … [Read More...]
Charlie Musselwhite plays blues guitar
By Magical Madge VIDEO IN POST Billy and I relish moments when we get to enjoy meaningful dialogue with others. The two of us rarely run out of things to discuss but we welcome when we can engage in conversation with close friends and/or new friends in an intimate setting. It always blesses us. On such occasions we like to play recorded music in the background but on … [Read More...]
Layne Logue: Two Cottonmouths Fight For Mating Rights
By Poor William VIDEOS and PHOTO GALLERY What do ya get when you cross a river rat, civil engineer, helper and re-supplier of river paddlers passing through Vicksburg, Calvin & Hobbes aficionado and an all-around nice guy? Well, you get some wicked cool photos and videos of flora, fauna, and killa sunsets! That’s what! Delta Bohemian Layne Logue is an extraordinary Dude with an eye … [Read More...]
10-Year Commemoration of Hurricane Katrina
Quapaw Canoe Company captain extraordinaire, Mark River Peoples, is a personal friend, keeper of the waters, fellow Red’s Lounge regular and a contributor to the Delta Bohemian. Madge and I dig this Dude. He stays on the down low, is self-effacing like his mentor and friend, Driftwood Johnnie Ruskey, and is able to articulate cogent life experiences with the ease and understanding of a keen-eyed, … [Read More...]
Surf the Great Mississippi River Flood of 2011 with John Ruskey
By Magical Madge With all these 10-year remembrances going on about the massive, destructive and deadly storm called Katrina, I am reminded of another storm which left it's mark on some of us here in Northwest Mississippi. It wasn't that long ago I struggled to sleep at night — I couldn't get the thought of all that water rushing by such a short distance away across a few … [Read More...]
A Bigger Belly Plate
[youtube width="600" height="350"][/youtube] By Poor William RADIOLAND VIDEO If the only thing bigger than my belly is what’s on my plate, then I see the problem! … [Read More...]
“Katrina the Mule” captures the real Carlos Elliot Jr.
By Poor William VIDEOS and PHOTOS (28) Clarksdale is blessed to have many musicians who wander purposefully into our midst, often coming back time and time again. A Delta Bohemian’s favorite is the sexy, supa suave, Carlos Elliot Jr., a jammin’ hill country blues Columbian musician who melds traditional North Mississippi Hill Country style blues with his own brand of African, Columbian … [Read More...]
A Prayer for a Friend
[youtube width="600" height="350"][/youtube] By Poor William RADIOLAND VIDEO A Prayer for a Friend Friend, I am ashamed to say I hardly know you for I'm 'sposed to know you well. I call you friend but you are much closer than a friend, even closer than a brother. … [Read More...]
I Think That I Think That You Think What I Think
Another spontaneous Radioland moment with Poor William.... Won't you join and sing along with him? I Think That I Think That You Think That I Think I Think That You Think You Think That I Think I Think That You Think That You Think That I Think I Think That You Think You Think That I Think I Think That You Think … [Read More...]
The Bitter Southerner Rides Some Wild Miles with John Ruskey
By Poor William - “The wilderness is the window of our souls, and water our smoothest passage through.” -- John Ruskey, From “River Gator,” as published in I am Coyote: Readings from the Wild A timely, online publication started in 2013 called The Bitter Southerner just shared a wonderfully written, spectacularly photographed article about Delta Bohemian friend, John Ruskey, founder of … [Read More...]
Delta Roadtrip Links Clarksdale and Helena
By Magical Madge - A Delta Roadtrip is something I have done all my life. Being born and raised in the Mississippi Delta, traveling the highways from town to town is something we grew up doing over and over and over again. During high school, it was what we did when not in school. We would ride around town, be it Clarksdale, Marks, Lambert, Tutwiler, Sumner, to see who else was out riding … [Read More...]
Delta Design
By POOR WILLIAM “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In His hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” -- Job 12: 7-10. When I observe the earth, water, … [Read More...]
Beatle Mania Strikes in Clarksdale
Clarksdale, Mississippi Three local gifted musicians will be treating concert goers and lawn sitters to an hour and forty five minutes of Beatle Mania music beginning at 6:00 pm on Friday, July 17th. The musicians are Walt Busby, Bo Jones and Gramm Phillips. These guys are good! Very good! … [Read More...]
Home Grown Thursday Nights in Clarksdale
Clarksdale, Mississippi PHOTO GALLERY This list makes my mouth water, especially when I know it was grown by local farmers: Sweet corn Cucumbers Squash Zucchini Plums Nectarines Green Beans Onions Eggplant Green Tomatoes Blackberries Baked Goods Farm Fresh Eggs Fresh Cut Flowers Herbs Living Plants … [Read More...]
KINGFISH plays ” The Star Spangled Banner “
By Magical Madge Happy July 4th! We are proud to be Americans. Friends, Bobbie and Paul Wilson, owners of WROX RADIO, have embraced this community of Clarksdale. They have made it their own and we are blessed by their continued enthusiasm for sharing great music, both on the air and out in the air, with the good folks in the Mississippi Delta. On this particular night, June 26, 2016, WROX … [Read More...]
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 2 – A Discussion on This Series, the Author, and the Why – VIDEO
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 1 – VIDEO
- It’s “Chilly Outside”: Reflections on Tha Moon relative to God’s Immanence, Imminence & Eminence in the Mississippi Delta: Commonality of Faith!
- IMMANUEL: Reflections on the Life of Christ – Delta Bohemian Seminars
- It Shouldn’t Hurt To Be A Child
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