Richard Grant – Hooked on the Mississippi Delta

Richard Grant. Photo by Micaela Cianc

By Magical Madge

More and more and more semi-fixtures, those who visit the Mississippi Delta over and over and over from far away places, leaving a piece of themselves each time, which nags and perplexes, drawing them back to find whatever it was they left, are taking a blind leap of faith and following that inner voice that beckons them to move here. Permanently. The Mississippi Delta, my home, where I was born and raised, touches souls and, I believe, God is all up in that. You may think it’s about the blues, but you will find it is something much more complex.

Read an irresistible story by a former New York City resident and writer for The Telegraph. Richard Grant is now certifiably hooked on the Mississippi Delta. Do you agree? Follow the link below, relish his fascinating tale and let us know what you think.

The Telegraph: Mississippi madness: expat life in America’s weirdest state by Richard Grant

Oh, and Richard, I pray our paths cross some day.  😎


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