How Should We Then Live? Episode 4 – The Lollards – VIDEO
How Should We Then Live? — Episode 4 - The Lollards. (The following text is transcribed from three spontaneous videos.) I have been doing a deep dive for a couple months into the Reformation, the Renaissance, and all the kings of England, and the church. I really have wanted to do a “How Should We Then Live” episode on the Lollards. I did one and it was just so dry even Madge looked at me and said, “Honey, I love you but I just think you are going to lose everybody.” Well, it lost me too. It was so esoteric I wasn't even sure I understood it! So, we are going to try to simplify things. Also, I need to take a break. … [Read More...]

Having It All on Any Given Wednesday Afternoon
The sensible Southern writer and philosopher Walker Percy while extensively and presciently musing on the modern malaise of man wrote the following: "But something is wrong…He has settled everything except what it is to live as an individual. He still has to get through an ordinary Wednesday afternoon. . . . What does this man do with the rest of the day? The rest of his life?" Even if one has … [Read More...]

DISEASE OF MORE Disease of More Is not just lore— Cunning, baffling, conniving … [Read More...]

Je Ne Sais Quoi of Ocean Springs and Walter Anderson
INCLUDES PHOTO GALLERY “In order to realize the beauty of man we must realize his relation to nature.” --Walter Inglis Anderson Ocean Springs? Hell, I didn’t even know where it was until a few years ago. Now, it is my favorite place to visit. … [Read More...]

Cowered by the Lying Tongue
Cowered by the Lying Tongue Cowered by the lying tongue Nabobs run amok Spewing incendiary phlegm Couched in the specious Thinking I am alone. Alone not we Gentler combatants Truckled by evil intent Fearing our hearts become the same Kick against the goads we must To stay alive and free Towering Titans above us Yet far below Lusting after that Their own hands have … [Read More...]

Being Southern
Being Southern The first one said Went to my head I’m inherently lazy … [Read More...]

Crapping on Everything: A Game of Inches
No two people could possibly agree on the perfect halftime show, so too many of us crap all over it, as we do just about everything! Truly, a sad testimony of the wired gen. Social media, which I reckon I am egregiously using now, and the immediacy of every-person-a-sage mentality ensure that pretty much everything we should be thankful for—in a country blessed by an embarrassment of riches and … [Read More...]

Consumed by Him the Addict
Consumed by Him the Addict A time to think A time to drink Better to seek the prior Combustion said Goes to the head Of the seeking outlier … [Read More...]

Justifiable Resentment Dangers
Justifiable resentment may be one of the most dangerous non-tangibles we can possess; though tangible when nurtured. Psychology Today defines resentment as negative feelings, basically ill will, toward someone or something that emanates from the past. Resentment is the re-experiencing of past injustices — real or perceived — and the old feelings of anger connected to them. … [Read More...]

Caught in an Eddy by Mark River
Caught in an Eddy by Mark River Introduction by Slim Gravy in italics There are a few folks in the lives of most who are always a welcome sight to see and whose words, demeanor and affectation always bless. My friend, Mark River Peoples, along with his friend and mentor, John Ruskey, are two such fellas. River, as he is called among those fortunate enough to know him, like Ruskey, is a … [Read More...]

Precision Farming Keeping Mississippi Delta Alive
Precision Farming or Precision Agriculture had its genesis in the early 1990’s with the technological introduction of GPS guidance for farm tractors. Due to the prohibitive rising cost of inputs in agriculture, it is increasingly imperative that farmers utilize every available research-based asset to maximize profits in an often profitless business—even on high production years given the … [Read More...]

Delta Business Journal 2018 Best Of The Best
Delta Business Journal, a monthly business magazine based out of Cleveland, Mississippi, posted an online ballot on their Facebook page and on their website for their Delta Business Journal 2018 Best of the Best. The votes were tallied and the winners were announced and listed in their December 2018 issue. … [Read More...]

Visit Natchez: A Must Do On The Great American Music Trail
Visit Natchez, a must do on the Great American Music Trail Natchez is an enchanting city located on the bluffs above America’s main vein, the mighty Mississippi River. Presently dealing with many of the conundrums of Southern cities historically tied to agriculture, oil, or dissipating industry, Natchez is not giving up the ghost. It is indeed a fine town and wonderful overnight place to … [Read More...]

Expedia Names Clarksdale As The Best Place To Escape In Mississippi
Daily I get a lot of junk mail; I'm sure you do too. But yesterday, while rifling through my emails, I received one I would normally have put in the category of unsolicited. Nope. This one caught my attention. The Subject line read "Expedia names Clarksdale as the best place to escape in Mississippi." … [Read More...]

Bouldin Marley Basic Life Truths
By Magical Madge Here it is, a new year, and I find myself wanting to share something personal...about my father, Bouldin Marley. These are basic life truths taught to me by my father since I was a young girl and throughout my life. They were not preached to me, but taught to me verbally and by example, over and over. He not only lived these truths in his own life, but helped apply them to … [Read More...]

One Can Be …
One can be a Christian and not hate/but respect others for their religious views. One can be a conservative and not hate/but respect others for their political beliefs. One can be white and not hate/but love others because of their skin color. … [Read More...]

The Stir of Mockers
“Mockers can get a whole town agitated, but the wise will calm anger.” — Proverbs 29:8 Who is a mocker? Someone who ridicules, belittles or treats others with contempt. That’s who. It was most likely Solomon, Son of David, who noted that mockers have the ability and likely the propensity to stir up a whole town. It’s the damn Truth! Also noted is the certitude of the wise to calm anger. … [Read More...]

Bubba O’Keefe New Clarksdale-Coahoma County Tourism Director
By Roger Stolle CONGRATS to Bubba O'Keefe, welcomed as Clarksdale-Coahoma County's new tourism director at the Coahoma County Tourism Commission's monthly board meeting Wednesday, December 12, 2018. He'll start January 1st. … [Read More...]

It Ain’t Snitchin’ if It’s True; It Ain’t Wrong if It’s Right
It Ain’ Snitchin’ if It’s True; It Ain’ Wrong if It’s Right “When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong.” — Ecclesiastes 8:11 Recently, we were the victims of a crime of intrusion and opportunity, when we contacted Clarksdale Police Department and the Mayor Chuck Espy, haste was made. … [Read More...]

Crosstalk Kills
I want to share how appreciative I am to be part of a vital, therapeutic sub-culture, where I freely examine myself, out loud, often daily, with others who understand what ails me, and who always thank me for sharing—without crosstalk, which kills cognitive processing! … [Read More...]

God Bless Us Everyone: A Thanksgiving Missive
“The surest route to wealth is to change one’s perception of wealth!” -- Stated by a good friend in Recovery at an NA meeting last night, as we were sharing on what we are thankful for, including the freedom as folks with addiction issues to get together to discuss how we can live healthier, more productive lives and be better examples of humanity, which was an inspiration for this God bless Us … [Read More...]
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 4 – The Lollards – VIDEO
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 3 – Having Enough and Eternity – VIDEO
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 2 – A Discussion on This Series, the Author, and the Why – VIDEO
- How Should We Then Live? Episode 1 – VIDEO
- It’s “Chilly Outside”: Reflections on Tha Moon relative to God’s Immanence, Imminence & Eminence in the Mississippi Delta: Commonality of Faith!
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