DISEASE OF MORE Disease of More Is not just lore— Cunning, baffling, conniving

Cowered by the Lying Tongue

Cowered by the Lying Tongue   Cowered by the lying tongue Nabobs run amok Spewing incendiary phlegm Couched in the specious Thinking I am alone. Alone not we Gentler combatants Truckled by evil intent Fearing our hearts become the same Kick against the goads we must To stay alive and free Towering Titans above us […]

Being Southern

Being Southern The first one said Went to my head I’m inherently lazy

Consumed by Him the Addict

Consumed by Him the Addict A time to think A time to drink Better to seek the prior Combustion said Goes to the head Of the seeking outlier

The Elephant’s Graveyard – A Poem Written in 3 Stages

THE ELEPHANT’S GRAVEYARD: TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN, TOO FAR FROM THE SON, RESTORED BY THE SON a poem written in three stages by Slim Gravy I kinda disappeared for a month. I was in a treatment facility in Eastern, TN as a result of not having dealt with some things from my past. Acute […]