POOR WILLIAM’S WHIMS: Metro Rednecks By POOR WILLIAM Metro redneck is not necessarily an oxymoron—words that don’t go together, but it might raise the ire of those with latent tendencies and or an aversion to anything not clothed in camouflage and smelling of cordite—gunpowder. According to one definition found in the Urban Dictionary, a […]
Delta Strutters
By Dingus Batticus (Clarksdale, Mississippi) Those of y’all who know about the Mississippi Delta probably know that the place is famous for blues music. That’s black folks’ music. You also probably know something about the plantation culture that the blues came from. Them is white folks’ plantations. As for me and my folks, we ain’t […]
The Definition of a Metro Redneck
By POOR WILLIAM (Clarksdale, Mississippi) Metro redneck is not necessarily an oxymoron—words that don’t go together, but it might raise the ire of those with latent tendencies and or an aversion to anything not clothed in camouflage and smelling of cordite—gunpowder. According to one definition found in the Urban Dictionary, a metrosexual is a “normally […]
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