By Poor William
Email: [email protected]
The following Poor William’s Whim article was originally published in the Clarksdale Press Register on December 2, 2009. Used by permission.
CLARKSDALE, MS ( – “You go and I come wit you little babe, you go and I come wit you little babe, you go and I come wit you, bet your life I won’t quit you little babe.”
The above lyrics from the song “Little Babe” was sung to my newly acquired fiancée Wednesday night by Sean “Bad” Apple and “Big Boy” Martin at the local restaurant and bar that she manages, Madidi.
The song, expressing precisely Poor William’s sentiments, is loosely attributed to Blues musician, R. L. Burnside, but as Poor William is finding out, locating attributions in the Blues world can be difficult.
Yes, I am now engaged to a lovely lady, who likes to tell people that I am marrying an older woman, but as Poor William’s momma always said, “Old hen make good soup.”
So, what is it about the “All that glitters…,” subheading?
When I proposed to my lovely bride-to-be, I did so with the assistance of the band, friends, co-workers holding signs that said, “Say yes,” and guests who showed up pseudo-serendipitously.
In the proposal, Poor William mentioned that he had ripped off and added to lyrics penned by Robert Plant from Led Zeppelin. It was the line from “Stairway to Heaven” where Plant sings “All that glitters is gold.”
Well, to Poor William’s surprise, after the proposal was given and “heartily” accepted, he finds out that Robert Plant is dining on the other side of the bar in the restaurant.
When Poor William was introduced to the possessor of categorically the finest rock voice known to man or beast, Plant was told that a line of his had just been ripped off for the proposal. Plant, obviously quick-witted and self-deprecating, told Poor William that he had likely ripped it off himself.
After dinner, as Plant and a friend were lounging in the bar, Poor William approached him and assured him that he was not a sycophant, but that his two oldest children were Zeppelin fans, and they would love to hear of their dad’s impending marriage from Robert Plant himself.
The gracious voice of archetypal 70’s rock called my “babies” in Northern Idaho where he chit-chatted for a few, then he informed them close to verbatim (Hear a British accent in your mind), “Oh, and by the way, I’m here to tell you that your father just got hitched to a very lovely woman standing here before me. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing but I’m here to tell you that it is so.”
If one thought teeny-boppers from the Ed Sullivan era screamed when Elvis and the Beatles took the stage, they should have heard Poor William’s oldest two when Plant informed them of their pop’s proposal.
Robert Plant is a class act and he understands the Mississippi Delta. Life is good and getting better, and all that glitters might not be gold, but Robert Plant and Poor William’s fiancée are certainly gilded.
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