It Ain’t Snitchin’ if It’s True; It Ain’t Wrong if It’s Right

It Ain't Snitchin' If It's True

Det. M. Dawson, Det. G. Johnson, Det. C. Sledge, Asst. Chief Ramirez, Det. T. Hawkins Sr.

It Ain’ Snitchin’ if It’s True; It Ain’ Wrong if It’s Right

“When a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong.” — Ecclesiastes 8:11

Recently, we were the victims of a crime of intrusion and opportunity, when we contacted Clarksdale Police Department and the Mayor Chuck Espy, haste was made.

Corporal D. Anderson showed up almost immediately at the scene of the crime, Asst. Chief V. Ramirez dropped what he was doing and jumped right on managing the operation, and Detectives T. Hawkins, Sr., M. Dawson, C. Sledge, G. Johnson and Officer M. La Travione diligently assisted in the investigation, aided by an anonymous tip, resulting in the return of many items.

It is critical in any community, large or small, that we do not go to ground, circle the wagons, and make the important job of our Police Department, Sheriff’s Department and court system more difficult by protecting the guilty.

Madge and I could not have been more impressed with the courteous, professional manner, in which every officer communicated with us.

God bless every one involved and every police officer who daily polices neighborhoods, mediates domestic disputes, dispenses tickets for traffic violations, follows leads, and attends court where they are often lied to and about, while doing so with the overbearing weight of overwhelming negativity. Gonna say God Bless ‘em again, ‘cause I mean it!

For those of us who believe in Biblical precepts and law and order based on long-held Judeo-Christian tenants, the Apostle Paul tells us to pray for our leaders so that it may go well for all of us and that we may live in Peace.

Sadly, in this, the freest country in the world, it is too often common course to hate on law and order and those who are charged with protecting us from others and often ourselves. Shameful!

While I may have been frustrated at times with the slowness of justice worldwide, nationally and locally, it does not give me the right to disparage, but more so the responsibility to aid those serving us as officers of the law.

It is imperative that we as citizens not only hold up our officers in prayer, good thoughts, and grateful communications, but that we assist them, often at our own peril, in enforcing the very laws that keep our community safe, civilized and salubrious.

It ain’ snitching, if its true! It ain’ wrong, if it’s right!

When we all pursue justice for our neighbor, keep our eyes and ears open, and judiciously share with those who daily put their literal lives on the line for our safety and well being, then we can grow and prosper as a community!

Thank you to the Clarksdale Police Department, Mayor, City Hall, Sheriff’s Department, and all our elected and appointed officials and servants for all that you do.

We salute and thank you, and pray God’s richest blessings on you collectively, your families and you as individuals!

God is pointing at Clarksdale! Let’s not disappoint! Chilly Billy & Madge

“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” — Amos 5:24

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  1. I have called the police department several times about break ins in my
    home the dispatcher was EXTREMELY rude. I know my home being
    Broke into is not the worst that happens in this town, however I work 3
    Jobs and I get taxed at all of them so I feel as though I should be treated
    With the same care and concern as you all did. I’m glad they were helpful in your situation.

    • It takes helping the police as much as we can. We were very proactive in assisting them and they were receptive to us. I am sorry you had a bad experience with the dispatcher. It is important to let the chief know if you were treated rudely. That is uncalled for. They are here to serve and protect us, the citizens. Hang in there. I am sorry you were burglarized.

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