Titties, Chicken Wings, & a Fake Death – Steve Kolbus

Musician Steve Kolbus riding on DB Pedicab with Billy Howell By BILLY “POOR WILLIAM” HOWELL CLARKSDALE, Mississippi – VIDEOS IN POST What do chicken wings, titties and a true story about a woman faking her own death have to do with each other? Steve Kolbus. Steve Kolbus is an iconic local musician, Clarksdale transplant, nice guy, great promoter, multi-vocational window […]

Hambone on Tuesdays and Red’s Blues Club for a Birthday

Hambone Art Gallery on Tuesdays and Red’s Blues Club for a Birthday   Red’s Lounge in downtown Clarksdale was the site of a serendipitous Sunday evening of fun, good eats, drinks, and some killer Blues performed by an array of heavy-hitters who were delighted to show up to help local transplant, Carol Vincent, celebrate her […]