Planes, Trains & Tractors in the Mississippi Delta

Magical Madge on a railroad track near Hopson Commissary and Shack Up Inn

Magical Madge on a railroad track near Hopson Commissary and Shack Up Inn


Clarksdale, Mississippi (VIDEO)

The Mississippi Delta ain’ short on modes of transportation and if a seminal sojourner is quick with the iPhone, usually from a moving vehicle, then short, serendipitous captures can make for delightful Delta scenes.

Recently, within a couple day period, I was fortunate to capture a plane, a train and a new-fangled tractor all doin’ their thang!

I was driving down Hwy 49 South when out of the corner of my lazy eye I saw a crop duster skimmin’ the telephone poles. I love crop dusters and the skills and cajones they possess to do what they do so well. Hell, I even loaded ‘em with chemicals for a few weeks this spring, but they were smart enough not to let me near the cockpit!

Shortly after our train encounter, I was driving a couple from Sweden on a Delta Bohemian Back Road Excursion. We were leaving the Shack Up Inn, where they had just made reservations for Rust Restaurant that evening, when what to our wondering eyes should appear, but a passenger train heading from Clarksdale to Hopson. Gotta love the Delta!

Then, while on my way to chop some pigweed in a cotton field, I saw a tractor with tank like tracks over the tires being demonstrated for agricultural folks just south of town on Hwy 49. Hmmm, this story has Hwy 49 and its parallel ancestor, Old Hwy 49 in common.

Maybe in the late 60’s you could get anything you wanted at Arlo Guthrie’s “Alice’s Restaurant,” but today, look no further than Highways 49 and 61! Y’all come on to the Delta! We got ya transport! pw


A Train in the Mississippi Delta

A Train in the Mississippi Delta

Magical Madge on a railroad track near Shack Up Inn

Magical Madge on a railroad track near Shack Up Inn

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