A picture is worth a thousand words

Soy in China. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

By Lil John McKee

This week I want to demonstrate the theory that a picture is worth a thousand words. The following charts are courtesy of the Earth Policy Institute. They tell their own story about agriculture.

Soybean Production and Consumption in China, 1964-2010. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Soybean Production and Consumption in China, 1964-2010. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

World Animal Protein Production Per Person, 1961-2009. Courtesy of the Earth Policy Institute.

World Animal Protein Production Per Person, 1961-2009. Courtesy of the Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2010. Courtesy Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2010. Courtesy Earth Policy Institute.

Fertilizer Use in China, India, and the United States, 1960-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Fertilizer Use in China, India, and the United States, 1960-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain Production Per Ton of Fertilizer Use in the United States, 1960-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain Production Per Ton of Fertilizer Use in the United States, 1960-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain Stocks in China, 1960-2003. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain Stocks in China, 1960-2003. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain Production per Person in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1960-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain Production per Person in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1960-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain and Soybean Production in Brazil, 1964-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Grain and Soybean Production in Brazil, 1964-2004. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Corn and Soybean Yields in the United States, 1950-2009. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

Corn and Soybean Yields in the United States, 1950-2009. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Production Per Person, 1950-2007. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Production Per Person, 1950-2007. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2010. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Production and Consumption, 1960-2010. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Yield, 1960-2010. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

World Grain Yield, 1960-2010. Courtesy of Earth Policy Institute.

We highly encourage your comments!

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  1. They always said if everyone in China bought just one pair of Levi’s that the cotton supply would shrink enormously and prices would go up considerably. No one ever mentioned that dramatically increased consumption of protein would be the first indicator of new prosperity in a nation of billions of people. No wonder the enormous increase in commodity prices.

  2. Excellent connection Cal!

  3. Cal,
    It is an interesting debate that has been going on forever: whether or not Robert Malthus was correct in saying that the world would eventually run out. Every time we get a spike like this, there seems to be some force that sends it right back down. Right now at least, the bull has the day and I have high hopes of paying bills this year.
    Lil John

  4. The charts tell me that my boy Swamp Rat should be swimming in buku dough soon. Carpe diem! Time to start dealing direct with the ChiComs.

    Forget those paper assets, we are in a long term bull market for commodities. Government tampering through subsidies and messing with corn for fuel, instead of feeding people, will add to shortages and exacerbate the problem.

    The bit of good news for steak eaters is that India won’t be contributing to a spike in the cost of beef. At least not directly. And very few of China’s gazillion people can afford it, earning $2 per day.

    Start hoarding tofurkey for Thanksgiving, now!

    • I love me some LD! You are a trip Dude, and one the most articulate “trips” I know! I was having breakfast with yo buddy Swamprat this morning! PW

      • poorwilliam
        I don’t know if Swamp Rat mentioned this to you, but there are thousands of middle-aged women in the tri-state area praying that you will make it up north before the snow melts. Evidently they enjoyed your snow dance. Your website most certainly saturated this area.

        Of course my taping pictures of you on all the local telephone poles might have helped.

        Later, amigo.

        • LD, I didn’t realize telephone poles in Jersey had a circumference large enough to handle the massive V-shaped torso of the Delta Bohemian! I am thrilled that all the ladies in Jersey get all moist just at the thought of Poor William in the snow! I am trying to talk Swamp Rat into being Mr. February, but we will see if his cojones are as large as they were when he wore #83 in college! 🙂

  5. Uncle Boopie says

    Well, my immediate superiors don’t see the bottom falling out of the cotton market any time soon……I hope they’re right.

    John, the only force I can see sending it right back down would be expanision of arable land in Brazil, hence, increased production. You would know more about that than this peckerwood.

  6. No beef spike in India – now dat is sum funny s***.

    Bookie, what about Paraguay? Nah.

  7. swimming poole larry says

    Now,,,This muz b da plaza

    • You got it! It is da plaz! You need to read the Delta Shorts: Delta Delusions article on The Stabbin’ Cabin! It mentions Friars Point, where there ain’t a parking lot or swimming pool big enough to contain Lorenzo and William! HA!

  8. John “A.K.A. Junior Topper” once commented at hunting camp that ” His Daughter Made Queen Victoria” (Valedictorian) at Ole Miss. I asked junior, “Junior, why have you never bought that girl a car? She has graduated in four years, Garnered “Queen Victoria” Honors, and never had a car”. Junior replied, “Have you ever been over there? To which I said, ” Yes, much longer than my Daddy prefered, but yes I have indeed”. Junior then Opined ” There Ain’t No Place To Park A Car Over There”. Off topic I know, But What the Hell.

    Jeff “Full” Greer

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