Photographer Rory Doyle home in the Delta

Magical Madge, Photographer Rory Doyle, Abe Hudson of The Real Delta

Magical Madge, Photographer Rory Doyle, Abe Hudson of The Real Delta


Clarksdale, Mississippi (PHOTOS)

On a serendipitous night in the Mississippi Delta, The Real Delta (TRD) hosted a “get-together” event at its office located at 216 Third Street in Clarksdale featuring photographs by Rory Doyle from Cleveland, MS.

Rory Doyle is a gifted photographer with an obvious flare for capturing the essence of a Delta landscape or scene. His photographs will be featured and for sale in TRD’s gallery during the month of September.

Rory’s bio from

Rory Doyle is a native Mainer who grew up exploring the state’s beautiful woods and coastline. He is currently working as a university photojournalist and freelance photographer based in Cleveland, Mississippi.

His travels have allowed him to capture shots throughout New England, Mexico, Southeast Asia, Central America and across the United States.

His client list includes: Reebok Spartan Race, Mississippi Magazine, Teach for America, Delta Magazine, Delta Business Journal, Delta State University, Cleveland-Bolivar County Chamber of Commerce and more.

He is available for freelance assignments, private parties, portraits, events and editorial projects. Images are available as fine art prints. He also has an extensive library of images reviewable upon request.

Follow Rory on Instagram and Twitter.

Abe Hudson recently opened his new business in downtown Clarksdale. Check it out! Real Delta Tours and Artistry is “committed to providing authentic Mississippi Delta Tours, creating handmade invitations, and sponsoring creative events.”

Abe is a great guy and that matters in the Delta! People from all over the world are interested in the MS Delta and what a blessing to have a bright, self-effacing, well-met, bright Dude with a successful business track record who loves to introduce folks to a place he loves dearly.

Real Delta Tours along with Delta Bohemian® Pedicab and Back Road Excursions might be in the same business, but we ain’ afraid to share the love. Abe is faithful to retweet and share pics and posts that we put up on our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook feeds and we are eager to spread the word that Real Delta Tours and Artistry is happenin’!

Please check out Real Delta Tours and Artistry along with Rory Doyle’s most excellent photographs, and tell ‘em Poor William and Magical Madge sent ya! Cheers! pw


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