Case De Macabre
Windows hazy
bad moon ascending
portends of malignancy lightly restrained
soon to be unfettered
evil hides not its lurking
inviting inquisitives in for a round…
Cacophonies of churlish laughter
felt more than heard
things older than man webbed in corners
restive yet motionless—frightened by more insidious evil
lurking beneath the pale
trawled by concupiscence—searching, always thirsty,
itching for innocence
shadows governed by edicts preceding man’s dawn.
Welcome the immaculate
bid the pristine and the not-so enter…
come what may, fear is the mind’s concoction, nothing to fear but itself.
what is fear but an unknown known, unknown in a knowing way
disquieted by predilections seen by unseens, fear of reprisals
unknown consequences for unseen behaviors known only by shadows.
Tread lightly, remember, the Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom.
Enter, but guard your heart…
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