JOHN MOHEAD to perform numerous times at TELLURIDE BLUES & BREWS FESTIVAL 2014
Clarksdale, Mississippi (VIDEOS and PHOTOS)
Hey man, what kind of title is “Mohead?” Well, I am just following suite. The Telluride Blues & Brews Festival (September 12-14, 2014) lists the Mississippi Deltan as such. When artists get billed by last name only, then they have likely arrived…somewhere!
Somewhere for Moon Lake native John Mohead is in the gorgeous, San Juan Mountains in Southern Colorado. But, John does not go it alone; also traipsing out West are Mohead’s family: wife, Jenn (Teach for America) and their two sons: Jack and Henry. Mohead may be mononymous, but his family ain’! They got first names and they support the insanely busy musician, restaurateur (owns Kathryn’s and Southbound Pizza), real estate developer, liquor store owner, Dad and probably a bunch of stuff I don’t know nothing ‘bout!
The musicians rounding out Mohead are Alice Hasen and John Brahan. Alice is a Vermont native, Yale Graduate, past Teach for America cohort and present-day band director and music instructor at Coahoma County High School, not to mention a wicked violinist, flutist, and fiddle-playing machine. She also leads worship as the choir director at First Presbyterian Church in Clarksdale. She’s gifted and does not hide her light under a barrel. She plays often with a fantastic local band named “The Blackwater Trio,” which includes talented guitarists Seth Stroud and Walt Busby.
Playing percussion for Mohead is John Brahan, a Sophomore at Ole Miss, Pride of All the South, who is studying Public Policy, Leadership and Theater Arts. Brahan is a Mohead family relative who knows the handshake. Yep, he and Chilly Billy are both Sigma Chi’s and the secret handshake was shared on the sidewalk outside Hambone Gallery. Brahan sits on a wooden box that he beats with his hands, or he strums the occasional washboard, while playing a “sound-foot-disc-thingy” and modified, miniature cymbals.
The singer-songwriter took a many-year hiatus from playing music publicly. It’s been seven years since he played a music festival. Mohead is mentioned on the “Livin’ at Lula” Mississippi Blues Trail marker located in downtown Lula, MS. He is in good company. Charley Patton, Son House, Frank Frost, Sam Carr and Big Jack Johnson are mentioned on the marker as well. Not bad company for a blues-rock-Americana singing and songwriting white boy from the Mississippi Delta.
The Telluride Blues & Brews Fest notes the following about Mohead:
“His rootsy, Delta blues-rock tunes go down like good bourbon on a summer night. His slide work dances like moths around a porch light and his original songs take the listener to a beloved, homey place. Mohead’s music is deeply rooted in Mississippi where he makes his home. It is imbued with the inevitable influences of the blues masters who seem to sprout from the Delta as if planted by some unseen hand. A hand that loves the blues. Mohead is a homeboy, rich in Southern charm with a natural storytelling gift. He plays with passion and respect for the masters who came before him, carrying the torch with pride and purpose.”
Mohead, Hasen, and Brahan warmed up for this weekend’s festival by playing this past Tuesday night at Hambone Gallery, owned by local transplants Stan and Dixie Street, also musicians.
Please enjoy some clips from Hambone Gallery and from Mohead’s reentry into the music scene recorded from a live benefit at Ground Zero Blues Club. Thanks guys and rock Telluride with yo’ bad selves, then come on home and wind it up…pw
MOHEAD @ Telluride Blues & Brews Festival
Friday, September 12
Sheridan Opera House
Mohead will be opening up before The Lee Boys Friday night who begin at 10pm
Saturday, September 13
Campground Stage 3pm-4pm – Mohead
Sunday, September 14
The Elks Club 9am-12pm Blues for Breakfast – Chris Dracup and Mohead
The Blues Stage 4pm-5pm – Mohead
[youtube width=”600″ height=”450″]http://youtu.be/uJJ1MbPTB_s[/youtube]
- John Mohead performing at Ground Zero Blues Club in Clarksdale
- A crowd at Hambone Art Gallery on Tuesday night for Mohead
- Mohead’s cousin Neill Myers filming him at Hambone in Clarksdale
- A crowd at Hambone Art Gallery on Tuesday night for Mohead
- Poor William Billy Howell at Hambone Art Gallery
- Percussionist John Brahan, Guitarist John Mohead, Fiddle Allice Hasen at Hambone
- Mohead’s cousin Neill Myers filming him at Hambone in Clarksdale
- A crowd at Hambone Art Gallery on Tuesday night for Mohead
VIDEO “Truck Stop Girl” by John Mohead
Posted by Tunica Convention and Visitors Bureau
Posted by John Mohead
From the Delta Bohemian :”Hey man, what kind of title is “Mohead?” Well, I am just following suite. The Telluride Blues & Brews Festival (September 12-14, 2014) lists the Mississippi Deltan as such. When artists get billed by last name only, then they have likely arrived…somewhere!”
With the single name billing in mind Billy:
John Mohead aka “Mohead” aka the PRINCE of Clarksdale
Prince is da man!
Nice! I can’t make it to Telluride, unfortunately… but I sure enjoyed John and Alice at Hambone this past Tuesday night. Great to see John back on the music scene!
We couldn’t agree more, Roger!