Jeez, do we have a problem in the Good Ole UsofA! It used to be understood that there was not a family in our prosperous country not affected in some way by divorce–the erosion of the traditional nuclear family consisting of mother, father, and some “young uns.” It is no longer a stretch to say […]
Some Stones Are Just Too Heavy
By PONTIFICUS MINIMUS This was originally published in the Clarksdale Press Register under the name of Poor William. Once again, Pontificus found out that Poor William had “borrowed” his writings and thoughts! “Man who lives to throw stones should understand trajectory of boomerang,” so says Pontificus Minimus. Jesus was emphatic about the consequences awaiting his […]
Some Stones Are Just Too Heavy
ALERT: This was first published in the name of Poor William, the roustabout vagabond Bohemian pillager, who pilfered his kinfolk Pontificus’ opining. Poor William was trying to impress his mother by making her believe he had scribbled his dear brother’s stolen sermon. His mother didn’t fall for it. Poor William remains contrite! (Clarksdale, Mississippi) by PONTIFICUS MINIMUS “Man who lives to […]
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