Newlyweds Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
CLARKSDALE, Mississippi — VIDEOS and PHOTOS in post
Steve “Lightnin’” Malcolm, famed Hill Country blues musician and Clarksdale and Shack Up Inn favorite, got all hitched to Bernikki Lewis—Big Momma Yolanda Hurt’s baby girl—on Friday during Juke Joint Festival Week on the grounds at the Shack Up Inn.
Who’d a thunk Lightnin’ would have gotten caught, but he did, and by a fine woman, Nikki! The wedding was appropriately somber, spiritual in nature, and funny as all get out. There were two preachers, maybe having two would decrease the divorce rate in America, and the shorter one was one of the funniest cats I have ever met.
[youtube]http://youtu.be/tAyiQH1P82w[/youtube]Rev. Charles Ingram stood about 2-foot nothing, but don’t let the size fool ya. He was the bomb! He changed Nikki’s diapers as a baby, so he had some authority to give her away and marry her. If one was to shoot a 30-minute sitcom, he or she could have done this wedding in one take and it would be a hit and a blessing.
Lightnin’ and Carl “Stud” White, T-Model Ford’s grandson and Malcolm’s drummer and best man at the wedding, played the day before the wedding on Thursday night at the NEW ROXY Theater in downtown Clarksdale. They played at the Shack Up Inn on Saturday night late, and again on Sunday afternoon, before whisking away to Australia on Monday morning early to continue touring with the North Mississippi Allstars. It’s all good in Malcolm’s hood.

Yolanda “Big Mama” Hurt with James Lewis T-Model Ford at Shack Up Inn April 2013
Lightnin’s sweet Mama, Sandra, and his brother Chris were in attendance, and a fine time was had by all!
I love me some Lightnin’ Malcolm, Stud, Big Momma, and Nikki (she plays a mean tambourine), and hopefully you will dig them too through a few pics and a smattering of video clips. And that’s fo’ damn sure! pw
Upscale & Funky overnight accommodation
Only 3 blocks from Downtown Clarksdale
- Mrs. Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Family photo of Lightnin’ Malcolm wedding party at Shack Up Inn
- Sandra Malcolm, mother of Lightnin’ Malcolm
- Yolanda “Big Mama” Hurt at Shack Up Inn
- Newlyweds Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Newlyweds Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Newlyweds Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Newlyweds Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Newlyweds Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Greet the new Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Mr. Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm kisses his new wife at Shack Up Inn
- Mother of the Bride Yolanda “Big Mama” Hurt at Shack Up Inn
- Mrs. Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- The wedding ceremony of Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- The wedding ceremony of Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- The wedding ceremony of Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- The wedding ceremony of Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- The wedding ceremony of Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm on his wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm on his wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm with the preachers on his wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Bride Bernikki Lewis Malcolm on her wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Bride Bernikki Lewis Malcolm on her wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Bride Bernikki Lewis Malcolm on her wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Bride Bernikki Lewis Malcolm and her mother Yolanda Hurt on her wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Bride Bernikki Lewis Malcolm and her mother Yolanda Hurt on her wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Bride Bernikki Lewis Malcolm on her wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Bride Bernikki Lewis Malcolm on her wedding day at Shack Up Inn
- Guests at Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm Wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Joey Young, Libby Rae Watson, Meghan Young at Shack Up Inn
- Guests with Lightnin’ Malcolm at Malcolm wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Guests at Malcolm wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Treats for guests at Lightnin’ Malcolm wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Refreshments for guests of Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Wedding cake for Nikki and Steve Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Bernikki Lewis’s wedding dress at Shack Up Inn
- Setting for Lightnin’ Malcolm wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Family photo of Lightnin’ Malcolm wedding party at Shack Up Inn
- Lightnin’ Malcolm and Todd Cameron at Shack Up Inn
- Newlyweds Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Newlyweds Nikki and Steve Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm with Rev. Charles Ingram at Shack Up Inn
- Lightnin’ Malcolm’s during his wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Photographer at Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Blessing of the rings at Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Best Man Carl “Stud” White – T-Model Ford’s Grandson at Shack Up Inn
- Ministers for Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Jim Fields and Meghan Young at Shack Up Inn
- Joey Young, Madge Marley Howell, Allen Johnson at Shack Up Inn
- Ken Flynt and Madge Howell at Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Joey Young at Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Guests at Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Guests at Nikki and Lightnin’ Malcolm’s wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Allen Johnson at Shack Up Inn
- Libby Rae Watson at Shack Up Inn
- Sandra and Chris Malcolm at Shack Up Inn
- Lightnin’ Malcolm on his wedding day with guests at Shack Up Inn
- Kirk and Chad Robinson at Lightnin’ Malcolm wedding
- Lightnin’ Malcolm at Shack Up Inn on his wedding day
- Shack Up Inn owner Bill Talbot, center
- Yolanda “Big Mama” Hurt at Shack Up Inn
- Setting for Lightnin’ Malcolm wedding at Shack Up Inn
- Family photo of Lightnin’ Malcolm wedding party at Shack Up Inn
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