Poor William loves water.
Clarksdale, Mississippi (VIDEO!!)
Hey Man, I just can’t seem to get enough water. Must be the Delta boy in me, or maybe it’s just the inherent need to be baptized, often. I ain’ real sure! My Mama always said when I was taking extra-long showers that I was washin’ away my sins. Wish it were that easy!
Recently, I was taking a shower at a nearby lake and I started to bitch just a lil in my mind, when low and behold it struck me just what an unthankful cretin I am! I was complaining about the glorious hot water cascading down my ever-expanding body. Jeez!
I love water, hot or cold, and am known to jump in a lake whether I have been told to or not! Madge and I were recently staying with a friend in a very nice subdivision in Oxford after an Ole Miss game. A beautiful lake is the centerpiece of the development, but I seriously doubt the residents swim in it.
Well, the water was so pretty, the crisp fall air was delightful, Ole Miss had trounced another foe and the Po Monkey mix was playing in the golf cart and I was imbued with liquid confidence and a need to get wet. Sorry Mom, it’s the Tomlinson in me; I just can’t help myself! pw
Music at the end of the video
“Thang Under Yo Nose”
by Cedric Burnside and Lightnin’ Malcolm
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