Ode to a fallen Kokopelli
My heart is sheered
A sentinel shattered
Oh Watcher of the Wake
Why have you fallen?
How long you stood
Genuflected and bent
Eyeing your charges
Guarding their rest
A “type of Christ”
A seer most revered
Protecting the interred
Shepherding thy realm
Hallowed ground you nurtured
Nourished by the same
Never your post abandoned
Never a complaint
It took a mighty sheer wind
To shake your stalwart core
Roots aged and haggard
Yielding ‘neath the blow
Your Purpose now is served
Noble sentry now deceased
You leave a sylvan vacuum
Requiescet in pace—Peace
Ode to a fallen Kokopelli
—by Chilly Billy
An article published April 5, 2017 on The DB featuring a photograph of the Kokopelli tree. “The Ugly Path“
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