Photo credit: Kallie North
By Magical Madge – The first and last time I went duck hunting was in the late 70’s with my brother, Chris. I recall…
- It was so damn cold…and I hate being cold
- The beautiful yet barren Mississippi Delta landscape resonated
- Hearing my brother call the ducks was fun and fascinating
- Thrilled I was when a group of honkers far, far away obviously made a decision to come down and tell us “hello”
- A palpitating excitement quickened my breath as the posse arrived above our heads
- The sound of gunfire scared me and made me sad when I saw them both drop and alight
I haven’t been back since.
Hello Delta’s Kallie North, a writer, photographer and budding musician, shared her recent experience duck hunting in the Mississippi Delta in her post titled “holy duck breast.” Her writing is fresh and her photographs sing. Check it out HERE.
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