DeSoto Magazine Exploring Destinations Delta Bohemian tours
DeSoto Magazine features Delta Bohemian Tours and Christone “Kingfish” Ingram in their current August 2018 issue. Pick up a copy today! A fabulous painting of Johnny Cash is on the cover and was done by British artist, Richard Day.
DeSoto Magazine writer and Editor-at-Large Mary Ann DeSantis, and author of “Exploring Destinations Beyond the Blues, Clarksdale’s Delta Bohemian Tours,” literally brought tears of gratefulness to Chilly Billy’s eyes and mine at the conclusion of reading her thoughtful article. Seriously. We read the piece independent of each other and both had the exact same reaction. See for yourself…

Madge’s text to Mary Ann DeSantis with DeSoto Magazine

Billy’s email to Mary Ann DeSantis with DeSoto Magazine
It is truly a blessing to be offered the opportunity to tell our story about The Delta Bohemian® and a total gift when the person listening is able to absorb the tale and share it with others, especially in a quality publication like DeSoto Magazine. My words here are an attempt to say in a demonstrative way, thank you, Mary Ann, for your message and to Paula Mitchell, Publisher of DeSoto Magazine, for devoting space to our backstory and present state with The Delta Bohemian®.
The periodical also highlighted Friars Point native and Clarksdale guitar sensation Christone “Kingfish” Ingram in a piece written by Jill Gleeson with photos by Roger Stolle and Lou Bopp, titled “New King(fish) of the Blues.” Clever heading, don’t you think?
We have long admired the gentle Christone since he was a young man and revel at his phenomenal talent and promising career. Here are four articles we posted about him if you want to see the youngster back in the day.
Kingfish plays the “Star Spangled Banner” – 7/4/15
Christone Kingfish Ingram Clarksdale Blues Prodigy – 1/27/15
Kingfish Plays Guitar at Hambone Gallery – 8/7/14
Kingfish Ingram – Clarksdale Guitar Sensation – 6/2/13
Please pick up your copy of DeSoto Magazine today! But, just in case you missed it, Mitchell was kind enough to send us the images of both articles so you can read them online here.
If you like what you read, consider subscribing to or advertising in DeSoto Magazine.
—Magical Madge
DeSoto Magazine August 2018 select articles

DeSoto Magazine August 2018 COVER

DeSoto Magazine Exploring Destinations Delta Bohemian Tours

DeSoto Magazine Chilly Billy Howell of Delta Bohemian Tours

DeSoto Mag Beyond the Blues article Aug 2018

DeSoto Magazine Beyond the Blues article Aug 2018

DeSoto Magazine Beyond the Blues article Aug 2018. Photo by Rory Doyle

DeSoto Magazine New King(fish) of the Blues

DeSoto Magazine New King(fish) of the Blues

DeSoto Magazine New King(fish) of the Blues
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