Coen of My New Orleans captures the Mississippi Delta writes about Traveling the Mississippi Delta writes about Traveling the Mississippi Delta


New Orleans, a destination for millions of travelers worldwide, is talking about the benefits of “Traveling the Mississippi Delta: A land of myths and legends.” Cheré Coen with wrote a fascinating article about three of our towns, Greenwood, Indianola and Clarksdale, and touched on the mystical points in between, the back roads, where we like to spend our free time.

“Driving through the country roads of the Mississippi Delta one is struck by the dichotomy of the region. On one hand, the Deep South landscape offers a cuisine tasting of family and history, the outdoors teem with wildlife and an indigenous music that spawned much of modern music today attracts visitors worldwide. On the flip side, those vast rural acres of cotton remind us why the Delta folks sang the blues. 

To truly absorb the Mississippi Delta, one has to embrace and understand both.”

Coen mentioned many go-to spots including the 1859 Clark House and our “unique, the circa-1917 Delta Bohemian Guest House combines art and color with a slice of funk by owners Billy and Madge Marley Howell, native Mississippi Deltans and publishers of The Delta Bohemian online literary magazine.”

We hope Cheré will come back soon and take a Delta Bohemian Back Road Excursion tour. We would love to take her behind the levee to see some stuff she likely ain’t never seen in the Mississippi Delta.

We get you and your beloved New Orleans, Cheré Coen, and you took the time to get us. Thanks for the thoughtful and highly informative article in We hope to meet you on your next visit to our hallowed ground, the Mississippi Delta.

Thanks to friend Bill Andrews of Hancock Bank/Whitney Bank for telling The DB about this article.

Read the rest of Cheré Coen’s article here: “Traveling the Mississippi Delta: A land of myths and legends”

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