Clarksdale Entertainment Section of Clarksdale Press Register
By Magical Madge
Clarksdale entertainment is a 7 day a week, 365 night a year thing. I know this. Well. And, I thank the Lord for it. Even though I don’t get out to enjoy it as much as I once did. Age. Work. It happens. 😎
Being a focus of the new Clarksdale entertainment section of the Press Register was, I admit, an easy read. Well….one of the articles was about me. Duh. I relished seeing and reading about some stuff that is important to me, out there for the “world” to see. You would too. And, I thank the Clarksdale Press Register for that. Profusely! I am not proud.
Danette Banks, our publisher’s wife, plays pianos and tunes them. In fact, she played ours here at the house when she came over to interview me. It just sounded right. I could tell she was getting to know the instrument. I had no idea at the time that she played or tuned. I didn’t delve in to her giftings, music-wise, at the time, as I was gearing up to discuss with her our home concerts and she was going to be writing about it.
Michael, her husband, was with her. He had his camera and was planning to take some pics. I was so glad he came along. I got to show them both around the home before we got started. I like doing that. I love this house.
Danette, the paper’s new Entertainment Section writer, will talk about upcoming happenings in and around Clarksdale. She wrote a fine, fine piece on me following our meeting. She not only got it all “right” but she wrote it beautifully. But, again, one must consider that the article I am reading is about ME! Ha! But. I am serious.
Wow. I love how she mixes words and describes things. For example, read this sentence of how she describes our home concerts.
“The acoustically pleasing setting of her spacious living room provides a unique atmosphere for immediate rapport and casual intimacy between the performers and the audience that really must be experienced rather than explained.”
I don’t know about you but that is well written. Thank you, Danette!
I ended up emailing a copy of the article to my brothers, Chris and Bo, as Bo lives in Helena and I am not sure if he gets the Press Register anymore and Chris, who told me the other day he failed to see the article in the June 27th issue. It is a new section, I told him. The Entertainment section. It is near the back part of the paper, which makes sense, as entertainers can tend to be “Underdogs” of sorts. (I am one.) I liked the placement.
Today, my brother Chris sent me this message in his reply email. This confirmed my suspicions about Danette.
“Great article… really like how cat writes… he paints a picture that is captivating…😎”
Also, in this particular issue, the paper published their latest Coahoma Living with the one and only Roger Stolle featured on the cover! LOVE IT!!! Roger’s story is fascinating. I am so glad to see the Press Register do this feature on our greatest marketer of Clarksdale and the living life of the blues in our midst.
By the way, in the “5 Questions with Madge” section, I was asked what I am reading this summer. The answer for my Clarksdale entertainment reading was “Author Penny Nance, head of Concerned Women for America, sent me her new book, ‘Feminine and Feisty: A rallying cry for conservative women.’ I just finished this book about my Godmother, ‘Delta Rainbow: The irrepressible Betty Bobo Pearson.‘ Her history is fascinating.”
Mentioned in the same Entertainment section, readers are urged to check out the photo exhibit at the Delta Blues Museum which opened Thursday, June 28th with Dallas photographer Brandon Thibodeaux’s collection of photographs from his book In The Land of Perfect Day: Photographs by Brandon Thibodeaux.
All the above being said, may I suggest, if you love this area and even if you don’t but are just curious about how we all operate and get along here, consider subscribing to the Clarksdale Press Register. You can look forward to also receiving numerous special publication inserts like Coahoma Living and others.
Clarksdale Press Register
128 East 2nd Street
Clarksdale, MS 38614

Photograph by Publisher of Clarksdale Press Register Michael Banks of Clarksdale White House during one of their Home Concert Series.
Love the title of your article Danette. “Home is where the music lives for the Delta Bohemians.”
Chilly Billy and MAgical MAdge and Bowker and Charlie Musselwhite and all the great musiciansssss and the laid back fun and ALL that stuff! YES!!
Bob Jordan
Billy and Magical Madge and Bowker and and all the characters in your neighborhood!!
AND, of course, all the fabulous MUSIC!!
Bob Jordan and Jennifer from Cloverdale, California
Thanks for commenting, Bob!! It is the Crossroads for a multitude of reasons! Thanks for spreading the love!