Cathy Nutt Live Podcast starring Chilly Billy Howell is Wednesday, September 2nd for a full hour, LIVE, from 3:00-4:00pm CST.
Or, as Billy prefers…. “The Cathy Nutt Show Featuring Delta Bohemian Podcast Redneck Chilly Billy Howell.”
Just last week Cathy Nutt interviewed former Oklahoma and Dallas Cowboy National Champion coach Barry Switzer in her live podcast!
Do you wonder why Ms. Nutt would want to interview the Clarksdale native and Delta Bohemian Tour Guide Chilly Billy? One of Billy’s Delta Bohemian Tour Touristas from Georgia said, “Billy is a gem: great storyteller, funny and a heartfelt lover of the delta.”
Billy being featured for a full hour on a Cathy Nutt Live Podcast is a pretty big deal, in my opinion. Their time together should prove to be zany, quirky, literary, off-the-wall, curious, unconventional and fresh. In other words, highly entertaining!
The two will no doubt discuss a myriad of things, including history of Clarksdale, Mississippi and the MS Delta plus some unexpected topics!
Tune in at http://artistfirst.com/cathynutt.htm to listen live! CLICK on the ON AIR flashing button.
If unable to hear the show live, it will be archived on The Cathy Nutt Show website within hours following the broadcast.
—Magical Madge
We highly encourage comments and sharing.

Loved your good old boy discussion! You certainly have “the gift of gab” with your “silver tongue.” So proud of you in so many ways!!!! (Do think Sherard could have gotten more air time! ha) One of your fans, Sue
Thanks so much for your comment. Not sure how I missed seeing it. I’ll tell Billy and hopefully he will reply as well.
Thanks so much for being so supportive! Much love!