[youtube width=”600″ height=”350″]http://youtu.be/BBB9n-lbdts[/youtube]
By Poor William
A Prayer for a Friend
Friend, I am ashamed to say I hardly know you for I’m ‘sposed to know you well.
I call you friend but you are much closer than a friend, even closer than a brother.
I hurt for the path you’re on. I’ve been on it myself.
I still wander loosely and aimlessly along it, sometimes grabbing a respite where I can,
but I know it can be a lonely road, and I hurt that you are walking it alone.
There are all kinds of platitudes and sayings and prayers, scriptures, quotes, hopes that I could share with you
but I know that you probably don’t want to hear them,
nor would I in your situation.
I can’t imagine the load you are carrying and I wish I knew how to lighten it,
but I really don’t.
I’m at a loss.
But you must know that I love you.
And you must know that regardless of what happens, you can always call on Jesus’s name,
and He will be there.
He may not be there like we think He will be there, but He will be there.
And He is all that matters.
He created us. He sustains us.
And He’ll take us home one day. Or He won’t.
But I think home with Him is best.
And I love you. And I pray for you daily. And, I just hurt for you.
And I pray that you’ll find your way, my friend.
[youtube width=”600″ height=”350″]http://youtu.be/BBB9n-lbdts[/youtube]

A scene in Coahoma, County in the Mississippi Delta
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