John Ruskey Photo taken in a low place in old Yazoo Pass Connection above East Montezuma Island.
The spawn is the symbol of new life and beginnings. A time of plenty for all species, and the reassurance of the incredible, undeniable cycles of life. — Mark “River” Peoples
Followers of the Delta Bohemian® understand our deep, heartfelt appreciation for all things Quapaw Canoe Company—Driftwood Johnnie Ruskey’s recreational and conservation-oriented brainchild celebrating, preserving and sharing the generative vibrancy of the Mississippi River, its tributaries, and contiguous areas. If Ruskey’s dictum, “The river connects us all,” is true, then all things got relations! Kinda cool to think about!
Speaking of relations, without spawners, there are no progeny, and without progeny there are no future generations and without future generations there is no life. SO…spawning matters and all God’s creatures gotta spawn!
Speaking of spawners, check out the 1Mississippi blog article FIELD NOTES: The Spawn by Mark “River” Peoples, one of Quapaw’s many-splendored associates, a green-mile River Captain extraordinaire. Rivers’s descriptive chronicling of life on the Mississippi evokes remembrances of innocent childhood days spent exploring the wonder and wildness of our under-appreciated riparian sanctuary.

Mark River Peoples, Red Paden and two visitors at Red’s Lounge in Clarksdale. May 2015
Below are four photographs Magical Madge took of some fishermen harvesting roe from spoonbill catfish in Moon Lake, February 2014.
Mark River talks about these fish in his article.

Fishermen bringing in their spoonbill catfish catch on Moon Lake. Feb 2014

Large spoonbill catfish recently caught in Moon Lake. Feb 2014
Thanks for the love team! Mark River