Red Paden enjoying his birthday at Red’s Blues Club
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Sunday night was a time of great festivity for Clarksdalians— natives, transplants, and miscreants—who love Red Paden and his world-renowned, one-of-a-kind, ain’t-nothing-like-it blues lounge. We celebrated Red’s birthday in typical Red’s Lounge fashion: cold beer, warm BBQ, hot and milky blues, and sizzlin’ moonshine!
Clarksdale’s creative community showed up en masse. Those of us in the tourist industry, who ply our trade and wares to visitors from all over the world, recognize Red’s contribution to our local and state economy. His birthday party was an immensely enjoyable, well-attended celebration paying homage to a man we appreciate, value and love.
Many local musicians and Red regulars like Leo “Bud” Welch swapped in and out and serenaded Red and all his compadres—Dingo, Ellis, Buford, Big Charles, a few tourists and a bunch of us white folks who just can’t get enough of them sticky ole blues at Red’s OG Juke Joint.
Ground Zero Blues Club owner Mayor Bill Luckett and lovely wife Francine (Hotty Toddy) were in attendance along with just about every damn body who has skin in the tourist game. We didn’t come because we had anything to gain; we came because we wanted Red to know we can’t do what we do unless he does what he does and what he does he does so well enabling us to do what we do so well: love on tourists and help facilitate their fascination with the Most Southern Place on Earth—the Mississippi Delta and Clarksdale in particular. Red, we ‘preciate ya!
Please enjoy a short video of the evening! Red allowed us to film a few clips for this one night only! Life in the Delta—it good! pw

Red Paden enjoying his birthday at Red’s Blues Club

Poor William Billy Howell, Red Paden, Magical Madge Marley Howell at Red’s club in Clarksdale

Musicians Heather Crosse, Lee Williams, Walt Busby, Stan Street at Red’s Lounge

Faithful Doctor Dingo the Australian Dog with Red Paden

Sandy and Dave Dezcwann at Red’s Blues Club

Omar, Poor William, Buford, Dixie, Stan, Mark, Sandy at Red’s Blues Club

Poor William and Buford at Red’s Place in Clarksdale

Red Paden on his birthday night at his club in Clarksdale

Red Paden, founder and owner of Red’s Blues Club in Clarksdale

Artist Eric Henshall and Magical Madge at Red’s Blues Club in Clarksdale

Servants and Friends Poor William and Leo “Bud” Welch at Red’s Place

Red Paden and Mark Benson at Red’s Place

Red sitting in the birthday seat

The front door from the inside at Red’s Place
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Big Red!!! Sorry that Bilbo and I couldn’t make it this year. We were there in spirit, and we’ll celebrate again when we hit Clarksdale next weekend.. (Thanks to Delta Bohemian for covering the uncoverable….)
Roger and Bilbo, we definitely missed you both and it wasn’t the same without you! Been sending y’all good wishes and prayers of protection for your journey. See you both soon and thanks for commenting!