The Travesty of the Tongue


Poor William and his tongue.

Poor William and his tongue.

The tongue of one Pontificus Minimus has yet again caused him trouble. The Good Book says in Proverbs, “When words are many, sin is not absent, be he who holds his tongue is wise.” So, when words are hyper-abundant, one can count on sin being just a breath away.

Why? We are fallible, fallen beings, who are too often selfish and prideful in our relationships and communications with others. Pontificus, with his manic meanderings and lack of harness on his tongue, is likely one of the worst offenders this planet has ever produced. Oh, the words he wishes he could take back–but can’t.

This past week saw the histrionic, magniloquent one stuffing his big, fat foot inside the very mouth that would be best left closed—during conversation and around mealtime. This would alleviate more than just his tongue dilemma.

Early last week, Pontificus, without thinking as usual, said something that hurt his wife’s feelings–the very Magical One who is the kindest, most non-judgemental person he knows! Again, he spoke without allowing the mind, governed by the heart, to vet what proceeded unhindered from his mouth.

Also, in the heat of a moment, he chose some poor words to construct an argument with a friend of his. Finally, due to possibly hearing loss or music played loudly, Pontificus said something to his writer friend who was visiting from afar, about a couple who were walking by at a party Saturday night. They heard!

Jeez! He should just shut his mouth. But the boy has a hard time helping himself sometimes, and he would be a heap better off if he read God’s Word and took the age-old admonitions to heart, prior to engaging his loose tongue.

Proverbs 12 speaks of the tongue’s ability to bring healing. Kind, edifying words can shore up insecurities and hurts, which cripple us as humans. In the 18th verse it is written, “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” The 23d verse says, “A prudent man keeps his knowledge to himself, but the heart of fools blurts out folly.” The 25th verse acknowledges, “An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.”

A significant portion of the Bible, other sacred texts and scores of proverbs and wise sayings from a legion of cultures all address the blessing and danger inherent in that tiny, wet thing that lolls around in the mouth. It can be a blessing or a curse! It can heal or destroy. It can bring comfort or life-altering pain.

Pontificus remembers just about every hurtful thing that has been said to him from early childhood until today. He enjoys self-deprecation and laughing at himself–often–but the tongue of others cutting him down willy-nilly, without relationship and the desire to speak constructively has wounded and continues to wound him frequently.

Pontificus and Poor William are also often negligent with their words, often selfish in their communications and actions, and too often not as aware as they should be about the effect of words on others. Pontificus asks God often to put a guard on his tongue; to help him speak words of edification to others, but he does not always allow God to help him; and in his desire to shine his ass, be funny, witty, and farcical, his words can hurt others.

Besides the absolutes of death and taxes, the lads both believe that everybody wants to be loved, to have their gifts and hard work acknowledged, and everybody wants to be praised and encouraged.

In the third chapter of James’ letter to the twelve tribes of Israel scattered among the nations of the world, he speaks of the power and the duality of the tongue. He compares the power of the small body part, the tongue, to the rudder of a large ship. Both the ship and the body are large compared to the rudder and the tongue, but both are steered and controlled by the smaller parts.

Also, James compared the tongue to a forest fire. It only takes a spark to burn down a great forest, and it only takes a comment to corrupt a person and to destroy the one talked about. James writes, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.” Wow!

James continues, “…but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With the tongue, we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness.”

If we cannot tame the tongue, then what are we to do?

Pontificus thinks God wants us to rely on Him, spend time with Him, and as we become more Christ like through His influence in and on our lives, our tongue will become a mighty body part with the power and desire to build up others, and not to tear them down! Vaya con Dios! pm


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  1. Amen!!! W.P.H.- I, also offended a former classmate and female friend of mine/ ours (you and Lil John know of whom I speak) this week with one slip of the toung. I was trying to be cute. The “Class Clown” Big Don (Daddy) always called it. Just prior to whipping my ass. I had texed one word that I had no idea would offend anyone. Ayh! But I had forgotten that I was communicating with a True Southern Lady. She will no doubt read this (at least I hope so) and re-accept my apology which she so graciously did earlier in the week . All is cool with she and I now. Still friends. That is, until I stick my foot in mouth once again. You have no Monopoly on this trait.

    Thank you Baby Gurl! Again.

  2. Word vomit, it’s what we do!

  3. So well said. Just this last week been kinda thinking on the “power of the tongue” for good or evil. Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts with us all…………

  4. What in the hell are you talking about, LD?

  5. True Dat! P.W. But it’s close.

  6. Thanks Baby Gurl! Love Ya, My Friend!

  7. We (P.W., Lil John and Myself) need to take ld to Rico’s Grocery, Rena Lara,MS.

  8. ld, I believe my filter is stopped up and due for a change, cause I have mis-spoken several times this week. Come see us Dude!!! I will take your Yankee Ass deer hunting in November. Mississippi Style. No Charge. You,McKee and P.W. are welcome to spend a weekend here at Tillatoba Creek Ranch. We can each Deer hunt,cook,drink and generally do what the Hell we want to for a weekend.

  9. My Yankee Ass? You must be referring to my neighbor. I’ll have her people contact your people to arrange for things. She informs me she doesn’t cook, clean or do dishes though, either here or in Tillatoba. But she does have a habit of doing whatever the hell she wants. You’ll love her.

    On a more serious note, that sounds like a fantastic offer. Only this time I refuse to share a twin bed with McKee.

  10. We will lay some hay down and put his ass in the kennel with my lab!

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