Peace Will Calm The Waters
A poem by Chilly Billy Howell
Awakened at three
Groaning at me
Waves lapping the tenuous shoreline
Startled by sound
Scary and bound
By nothing shackled or tethered
Long the leaf that flies at night
The wind not his brother’s keeper
Whistlin’ wind tis not the friend
Of him who lives beneath deciduous fragile
Limbs may bend
Squalling ‘gainst the wind
As twigs and husks do prattle
Whistles and worries
Blusters and flurries
The Unseen makes Himself seen
Amid tremulous concern
Night worries burn
Fearing arbors so fragile
May God protect
The craning neck
Of eyes peeping with fright
Morning bids dark adieu
Thankful the tempest has ended
The new day is fraught with unknowns sought
What of the uncertain
The only Certain
Rent the curtain
Revealing the inner sanctum
Available to all
Earnest the call
To bend and be forgiven
The wind doth carry
And dare not tarry
Unto hinterlands wanting
Where still unseen
Harvester’s glean
Waiting for fruit to ripen
Yes, tis the wind
A furious friend
Who carries missives cogent
Yet not opaque
Clear the lake
Undisturbed by motion
The storm may brew
A feverish stew
But Peace will calm the waters.
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