Ode to The Tank Man
A poem by Chilly Billy Howell
Tank Man is the name ascribed to the unidentified Chinese man who stood blocking the departure of tanks from Tiananmen Square on June 5, 1989. The photo was taken by Jeff Widener of the Associated Press. What happened to this brave soul is unknown; however, he captured the hearts of freedom-loving souls around the world.
Ode to The Tank Man
long may you stand
against the ungodly statist demands
For those seeking refuge
freedom & Truth
from governments caring
too little for you.
Little you were
large you’ll remain
a beacon to many
a world gone insane.
To give one’s life
sweltering in strife
never seein’
the freedom your giving
Time and place
an unknown face
fissures in stone
standing alone
Many bestowed
what you are owed
you’ll never see
your final decree
Memories do fade
sacrifices made
heroism forgotten
in a world gone rotten
May tradition and pen
count you a friend
deeds treasured long
after you’re gone.
Ode to The Tank Man
long may you stand
against the ungodly statist demands.
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