Cellophane Blues – By Slim Gravy

While in detox in a treatment center prior to being transferred to JourneyPure in Eastern TN, I was struggling one night with a roommate’s habit. Easily over-stimulated and often affected by every bell, whistle and noise not controlled by my dysfunctional self, I was about to snap in the middle of the night, but God and silently quoting the 23rd Psalm facilitated my not acting ugly, and I ended up really digging my roommate! A life lesson was learned, and anybody who knows me well knows the wrinkling of plastic can drive my ass wild! Anybody want to put this to music, be my guest?! Cheers!


Cellophane Blues - Whistle on the Levee

Cellophane Blues – Whistle on the Levee

Cellophane Blues

Wakin’ up at 3:00, what’s wrong with me
          Cellophane blues

Locked up in Rehab, not feelin’ too fab
          Cellophane blues

Roomie ain’ sleepin’, sho gots me peepin’
          Cellophane blues

Midnight rendezvous, snacks have got me blue
          Cellophane blues

Plastic crinklin’ loud, belchin’ like he’s proud
          Cellophane blues

“Bout to lose my mind, better to be kind
          Cellophane blues

23d Psalm, helpin’ keep me calm
          Cellophane blues

Earplugs and prayer, a desire to care
         Cellophane blues

Out of Vistaril, maybe it’s God’s will
          Cellophane Blues

Got dem Cellophane blues!

Cellophane Blues

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