How Should We Then Live? Episode 3 – Having Enough and Eternity – VIDEO

How Should We Then Live? —Episode 3 — Having Enough and Eternity  (The following text is transcribed from the spontaneous video.) Man, it’s a foggy day on the moon. I love it like this! I’m in my new Nordic NK Rapido; it’s 19 1/2 feet long 18 1/2 inches wide. He’s sweet I know. He’s […]

Spontaneous Thoughts on Birth and Rebirth

Spontaneous Thoughts on Birth and Rebirth by Chilly Billy Howell, a Thankful Grandfather VIDEO IN POST Spontaneous thoughts on birth and rebirth by a thankful Grandfather lead this thankful Christian to a continued awareness of the miracles surrounding us at all times.

Mornings with Tolstoy – Day Four: Pilgrims

By WILLIAM PRENTISS I had already begun contemplating death prior to my present state. When younger, healthy and virtually free of scars and the tissue that remains, death was something far into an unknown, never-to-be-reached future. Death was an occasional thought, sadly affecting others. At some point in my early forties, after life had begun its […]