Mister Gates: The Piano Man in Clarksdale

Timothy Louis Gates, The Piano Man. Clarksdale Mister Gates

(Clarksdale, Mississippi)  VIDEO IN POST

Over seventy years ago, prior to the advent of World War II, Timothy Louis Gates repaired his first piano. And, Ladies and Gentlemen, he’s still making house calls. Incredible!

Born in Jonestown, Mississippi, Gates was one of eight piano-playing siblings.

“Everybody in our family played something on the piano except my father,” Gates said.

When he was fifteen years old, providence nudged him in the direction of a lifelong passion and vocation. His mother’s piano was borrowed by a school for a local function. On its way home, the piano fell out of the truck and was seriously damaged.

“I was nosy,” Gates said. “I studied it, nailed it, and glued it back together.”

His curiosity led him to find that he was gifted in repairing, tuning, and playing pianos, and it served him well during his thirty years of service teaching school.

Not only does Gates have his piano repairing and tuning business located at 327 Issaquena Ave. in the New World District in downtown Clarksdale, the heart of the Mississippi Delta, but he still plays piano in church every Sunday either in Clarksdale, Marks, or Jonestown.

The piano-tuning octogenarian, who can be reached at 662-627-1891, recommends that pianos be tuned at least once a year.

One year after tuning Magical Madge’s piano, Gates called to let her know it had been a year since the last tuning. What a beautiful, gentle reminder that an instrument Gates loves is due for some attention.

“Mister” Gates–he inspires the Mister–manifests a grace and graciousness sadly lacking in today’s collective, national culture. Besides being a gifted musician, craftsman, and genteel man, he possesses a wonderfully dry, wry sense of humor

His business card subtly announces: “Airplane Quality, Submarine Prices.”

His answer to the question regarding how long he had been married: “Long enough to know each other.” It was 55 years!

God Bless you Mister Gates and may the Tuner be with you.

Gates Piano Co.
327 Issaquena Avenue
Clarksdale, MS
662-627-1891 or 662-483-2036



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  1. What a lovely little story, great pictures and video. I am only sorry that I do not have a piano for Mr. Gates to tune. And look at his hands, just look at ’em. Those are piano player hands if ever I saw some. Thanks for posting this.

    • Eric, thank you for the feedback. His hands and fingers are stories unto themselves.

      Mr. Gates is old school. I just love that he wears his starched white Gates Piano Co. jacket when he comes to our house to tune the piano. His faithful helper AJ Jefferson attends Mr. Gates on his visits. AJ is seen sitting next to him in the chair in the opening scene of the video.

      I enjoy hearing him tinker on the instrument while he is tuning….never in any rush, whatsoever. He repaired a broken spot on the wood, too. Then, when he is done, he sets out making his music on the keyboard. He is playing for pleasure and to hear the results of his work. I’m usually busy elsewhere in the house and immediately am led to go and have a listen. It is those two moments which I captured in the video on my phone as he has tuned the piano twice.

      He is a proper, soft-spoken, professional and thoughtful man. He reminds me of my father and of my grandfather. My father would have liked him and likely knew him for all I know. I wish he were here today.

      Gates Piano Co. office is fascinating, too. I’m certain Mr. Gates has many stories to tell. I’m so glad he was willing to spend some time with us recently and let us throw some love his way.

  2. loved it

  3. When I had a piano, it was always a treat to have it tuned by Mr. Gates; his recital afterward was more than worth the price!

  4. Reginald Gates says

    I want to thank Magical Madge and Billy Howell for their support and interest in my father’s legacy as a minister of music here in Clarksdale. As you know he passed on in August 2012 but we (Gates family) continue to recieve warm enthusiasm for the body of work that he left behind. Tomorrow (March 6th) would have marked his 89th birthday and while he is not here in the body his spirit lives. Having said that thanks again for the support and cudos to you on the excellent job that you are doing as representatives of the “Delta”.

    • Reginald,
      You bless us with your kind words, encouragement and support! Thank you, my brother! I loved your dad. He is missed. It was an honor to share my story of Mister Gates in my life with the world.

      Loved seeing you the other day in the Gift Shop. Come back soon.


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