Delta Cat Trumps Delta Dog. Dandy and Shady at Quapaw Canoe Company on a cold winter day in the Mississippi Delta.
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Mississippi Delta Dogs are an inescapable, loosely cherished constant in our beloved homeland, but they are not the cat’s meow! Cat will get a fella every time! A friend of Poor William’s is fond of saying that you can lead a man off in to the Grand Canyon with one cat hair! Truth!
Magical Madge and I were visiting Quapaw Canoe Company’s John Ruskey with our ferocious shih-poo, Dandy. Quapaw rescue, Shady the cat, loved Dandy, but jus a little! It was Shady’s world; Dandy was just visiting! Please enjoy a short clip of the relations between man’s best friend and the real Delta Dawg—Shady!
[youtube width=”600″ height=”400″]http://youtu.be/U0oiUXzUd1Y[/youtube]
The imfamous Shady Cat! Quapaw’s finest! Mark River
Shady Cat is the Dawg!!!!