Director at U N Me Films Lisa Eismen filming Kingfish, Preston and Stan Street at Hambone Gallery Pre-Sunflower Fest
Clarksdale, Mississippi (VIDEO)
With the annual Sunflower River Blues & Gospel Festival officially starting Thursday night at the VIP Tent, Clarksdale has already begun hearing great music. Red’s Lounge, Bluesberry Café and Ground Zero Blues Club all had music on Monday night and Red’s and Hambone Gallery had live blues Tuesday night. Red’s and Ground Zero were still rocking on Wednesday night.
The indomitable 15-year-old prodigy, Christone “Kingfish” Ingram jammed at Ground Zero on Monday night for actresses Holly Marie Combs and Shannen Doherty, who were in town filming an episode for their new travel show called “Off the Map with Shannen and Holly.”
Tuesday night, Kingfish played at Hambone Gallery with Preston Rumbaugh (Go-to bass player and Cat Head Delta Blues & Folk Art employee), Stan and Dixie Street and some fine fella on the upright piano. Check out the short video of his performance here.
Thursday night will see Kingfish playing at the Delta Blues Room on Sunflower Ave. with Space Cowboy & the Blues Posse beginning at 8:30pm.
Friday afternoon from 5:45 – 6:15pm, catch the guitarist and singer at the Main Stage by the Delta Blues Museum, and then again at 8:00pm with his band—the Christone “Kingfish” Ingram Blues Band—at Club 2000 on Issaquena Ave. in the New World District, next to the fabled New Roxy Theater.
Kingfish is booked on Saturday to play in front of Delta Furniture on Issaquena Ave. from 12:00 – 4:00pm prior to heading down to Red’s Lounge to open for Leo Bud Welch from 6:00 – 8:00pm.
Clarksdale is organic, Kingish may show up at more venues, you just gotta be around town to find out! This kid can play! Check him out! Cheers! pw
Side note: Lisa Eismen from Australia was filming at Hambone Gallery for U N Me Films.

Poor William filled in as bartender while Dixie Street played drums at Hambone Gallery.

Poor William filled in as bartender while Dixie Street played drums at Hambone Gallery in Clarksdale.
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